COV19 to Resurface in Fall 2020; Will be over 100 times worse; Likely time to flee to Refuges

Via John Leary(yet to be approved)

March 13, 2020:

Jesus said: “My people, when you see the darkness at night, I am talking about a power outage with no lights. You are seeing panic among your people over the corona virus, but only a few people have died from this virus. There are various countries that are closing down their borders to keep new people with the virus from entering. Now, you are hearing churches being closed in many states. You also are hearing rumors of states closing their borders, and banks limiting cash to ATMs. If you lose power, your online banking would be shut down. I told you before, when the evil ones want a takeover, they will shut down your power. All of these shutdowns are preparing you for total control. Once you see food shortages at your stores, you could see riots as people will be in search of food. Before such riots occur, I will warn My faithful that it is time to come to My refuges. My Warning will be in a time of such a chaos. I will multiply your food even before My Warning, if it is needed.Have no fear because My angels will protect My refuges both now and during the tribulation.If people are dying for any reason, I will protect My refuge people from guns because I will make you invisible to such people. My angels will put a shield from harm over all of My refuges. You will have daily Holy Communion, and perpetual Adoration at every refuge during the tribulation.Trust in My angels to multiply your food, water, fuels, and buildings for all that you will need to survive.”

March 16, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, you were asking if there is going to be another epidemic worse than the one you are seeing now. You also read about the Spanish Flu of 1918 when millions of people died world wide and hundreds of thousands died in America. There was a mild version of the virus in the spring, a disappearance in the summer, and a much deadlier version of the virus in the fall. You can research the numbers of dead in the spring and the fall. (.5% deaths in spring, 2.5% deaths in the fall, 1.0% deaths in the following spring for the Spanish Flu of 1918-1919) I am confirming that your current version of the corona virus is similar, in that it will be mild in the spring, but the same virus will return in the fall, and it will be deadlier than it was in the spring.It is prudent to warn your people of the return of this virus in the fall, when more people could die in the fall than died in the spring. Keep your quarantine preparations ready to deal with the fall version of the corona virus.Pray that your people can remain isolated so you can minimize the spread and deaths from this virus.”

March 17, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you this small round window as a sign that you will have a window of opportunity to prepare for a worse virus that will come back in the fall.The round window is also a sign of My coming Warning that will come in a time of chaos. Even if the Warning does not come in the fall, I will call My faithful to My refuges if you see a lot of people dying in the fall. You are already hearing of a possible martial law or a mandatory quarantine in your homes. If your airplane flights are cancelled, and your state borders are closed, this will not allow you to travel to any more talks. You can still put your messages of the fall virus out on the internet. It is important to warn the people that your summer window of opportunity is time to stock up on food, and possibly get to Confession before the fall version of a worse virus.This virus is a laboratory creation that the evil ones are using to try and remove your President, and take over your government. Any martial law control could easily be the means for a takeover which could definitely be a time to come to My refuges. I will give an inner locution to everyone when it is time to come to My refuges. Give praise and thanks to Me because I am more powerful than the demons and any virus that I could cure so easily.”

March 22, 2020:
Jesus said: “My son, you are fortunate to have My Eucharist today on Sunday, when all of My faithful should be coming to Mass. I am showing you in this vision a horde of black bugs, representing the demons, that have come into My Church to stop the Masses. All of My faithful, who come to Holy Mass, will not die from any corona virus.My protection goes out to all of My faithful who believe in My miracles. This time is a beginning tribulation that will happen before the Great Tribulation of the Antichrist.You know that this pestilence was started by China’s biological weapon in their quest for a world takeover. This weapon was created by evil people to reduce the world’s population. This spring will kill some people, but there will be a lull in the summer followed by a deadlier virus in the fall.When you see many people dying, I will call My people to My refuges, where you will be healed and protected from those people who are trying to kill you. Have no fear because I will provide for your needs at the appointed time.”

March 23, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, this swirling black movement is again a sign of the coming Warning. You are looking down into the black pit of hell that is being shielded from your eyes. It is out of the pit of hell that the demons enabled the Chinese scientists to make this evil virus that is now replicating all over the world.It is causing sickness and death all over. You will see a lull in the summer, but this virus will be even deadlier in the fall. Remember not to take any flu vaccine because it will only lower your immune system for other illnesses. Refuse to take any chip in the body as well. This is a time when you will have to trust in Me that I can heal infected people if they call on Me in faith. Swallow some holy water, and take your Hawthorn pills and elderberry extract. Keep praying that this epidemic will subside and people will be healed.”

March 24, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this chain because some people are attached to their jobs and their money, and they do not depend on Me for everything. But now with this pandemic virus, their jobs and their source of income are in jeopardy. Do not have fear for what you are to eat, what you are to wear, or where you will make your home. Trust in Me only and not your money, and I will find a way to provide for your needs. Many people are frightened by this corona virus, but only a small percentage of infected people are dying. Some people want to go back to work, but you are still peaking with many virus cases. It will take a few months for your infections to let up, as you saw in China. So be careful to stay home until your virus cases subside. You will have a lull in the summer, but a worse virus will return in the fall, so use your summer to stock up on food when you may not be able to go to the store in a lockdown. Pray that your medical people will have a cure for this virus, and pray that it will subside.”

March 27, 2020:
Later, at the Eternal Father Chapel we were praying before our Adoration DVD. I could look down through a narrow tunnel with a light at the end. Jesus said: “My people, you think your cases and deaths from the corona virus are bad now. I have told you how you will see a peaking of cases in a few months with a short lull, which will be a time to stock up on food. In the fall I told you also how the virus will return, and it will be deadlier. I am telling you that it will be a hundred or more times worse than you have now. At this point you are seeing 32,000 deaths world wide, but when the Spanish Flu hit, 50 to 70 million people died. The number of deaths in the fall could repeat millions of deaths at a much faster rate than you have now. I have been telling you if many are dying around you, I will call you to My refuges. To protect My faithful, it is most likely that I will be calling you to My refuges in the fall, so you can be healed and protected from any virus. In that case your refuge angels will put a shield of protection around you. The deep state people have a cure for this virus, and they will be retreating underground in their tunnels to try and avoid the deaths and riots for food. They have been buying up the dehydrated food for months, and storing it in their secret tunnels. Have no fear of this virus because I will be protecting My people at My refuges. I am affirming that you are in the time of a pre-tribulation before the Great Tribulation of the Antichrist.”

March 28, 2020:
At the Eternal Father Chapel I was praying before our Adoration DVD. I could see a small cuckoo clock but the bird could not come out, and it was five minutes to 12:00. Jesus said: “My people, I want to explain to you what I mean by the term ‘pre-tribulation’, which is why I am showing you this clock. You are experiencing with this corona virus, the troubled time that was mentioned by Fr. Michel. The pre-tribulation time will be from now until the Great Tribulation begins when the Antichrist will declare himself. You will see a trial of the virus causing quarantines. The worse trial will be during the football season from September to February of the following year. Be prepared to come to My refuges in the fall when many will be dying from this virus.When you come to My refuges, you will be healed of any virus. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges, so do not be afraid of this evil virus. I will not leave My faithful as orphans to die from this virus. So listen to My call when you are told to come to My refuges. Remember to bring your backpacks, and have faith that I can heal you from this pandemic virus.”

Tribulation Protection: The Blood of the Lamb

To The Refuges On Wings of Eagles

What is coming and how to prepare for it