Hydroxychloroquine Hypocrisy: Kayleigh McEnany Exposes Fredo Cuomo

May 21, 2020
by David Blackmon

Today’s Campaign Update (Because the Campaign Never Ends)

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany is so adept at dealing with the corrupt press corps that I’m almost glad she’s started holding occasional press briefings again. Almost.

It seems that every time she holds one of these things she exposes the members of the press for being the rank hypocrites we all know them to be. Yesterday, she figuratively ripped the pants right off of CNN’s doofus evening host Fredo Cuomo because … wait for it … he used a more dangerous form of hydroxychloroquine than President Trump has been using.

In treatment for his own alleged case of Wuhan Virus, it turns out that Fredo actually took quinine, which, as McEnany devastatingly revealed at yesterday’s presser, was taken off the market by the FDA in 2006 due to its severe side effects.

Here’s a clip of Kayleigh addressing the HCQ question and Fredo:
.@PressSec Blasts the Media for their coverage of Hydroxychloroquine and calls out @ChrisCuomo for criticizing President Trump for taking it while he took a less safe version of the drug. pic.twitter.com/ugR7LbFO9N
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) May 20, 2020

Here is an excerpt from McEnany’s remarks:
And one thing I want to note with regard to hydroxychloroquine, because I think it’s very important that we’re as accurate as we can be with our reporting on this: Hydroxychloroquine has been a drug that has been in use for 65 years for lupus, arthritis, and malaria. It has a very good safety profile.
But as with any drug and as with any prescription, it should be given by a doctor to a patient in that context. So no one should be taking this without a prescription from their doctor.
But that being said, I’ve seen a lot of apoplectic coverage of hydroxychloroquine. You had Jimmy Kimmel saying the President is, quote, “trying to kill himself by taking it.” You had Joe Scarborough saying, quote, “This will kill you.” Neil Cavuto saying, “What have you got to lose? One thing you have to lose are lives.” And you had Chris Cuomo saying, “The President knows that hydroxychloroquine is not supported by science. He knows it has been flagged by his own people and he’s using it.”
Well, Cuomo mocked the President for this. And interestingly, I found this out just before coming here: Hydroxychloroquine, of course, is an FDA-approved medication with a long-proven track record for safety. And it turns out that Chris Cuomo took a less safe version of it called quinine, which the FDA removed from the market in 2006 because of its serious side effects, including death. So, really interesting to have that criticism of the President.
And on that note to Chris Cuomo, I’d like to redirect him to his brother, the Governor of New York, Governor Cuomo, who has several on-the-record statements about hydroxychloroquine, saying, “I’m an optimist. I’m hopeful about the drug, and that’s why we’ll try it here in New York as soon as we get it. There has been anecdotal evidence that it’s promising. That’s why we’re going ahead.” And I have about eight other quotes from Governor Cuomo should any of you have interest in that.

No one in the corrupt press corps was interested, of course. These are the most incurious people on earth. Your average Waffle House pancake possesses a keener sense of curiosity than the average reporter for the Washington Post.

Just in case you were beginning to think that anyone in the corrupt fake news media really holds any genuine concerns about HCQ, know that not a single one of the blue-check media hypocrites on Twitter tweeted a word of condemnation of Cuomo over his rank hypocrisy. As is always the case with corrupt reporters and the President, this is all about Trump and trying to “get” him. If Trump recommends something, or is taking some drug, it must be bad – that’s what the approved Democrat/media narrative dictates.

Yes, as both the President and McEnany have pointed out, HCQ can have severe side effects with certain patients, and should be taken only on the advice of a physician. That makes HCQ exactly like every other drug on the market today.

And guess what? When Remdesivir, which has been approved for emergency use by the FDA before going through full clinical trials, has been fully studied, it will have its own long list of side effects, as will any other hugely-expensive new drug developed by Big Pharma in response to the virus.

They all will soon be featured in those touchy-feely 90-second TV ads that feature soft music and 75 seconds of legal disclaimers. The guy who narrates those disclaimers will talk about all sorts of potential side effects, including death, as some chubby woman conducts a marching band or an elderly couple does yoga or looks peacefully out over a lake in the background to make you feel good and not listen to all the harm this drug might cause you if you take it.

All drugs have potential side effects, and HCQ is no different. The only two differences between HCQ and the drugs Big Pharma is developing and planning to make billions on are: 1) The side effects of HCQ are well-known and have been for decades, and 2) President Trump recommends HCQ.

That’s it, and that’s what Kayleigh McEnany revealed yesterday.

That is all.
