Man Drives Van Into Lobby of Florida Catholic Church, Lights It On Fire With Parishioners Inside

By Cassandra Fairbanks
Published July 11, 2020

Via John Leary(yet to be approved)

September 28, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, when the time of persecution comes, you will see government forces or Moslems burning Catholic Churches down. Catholics will be a target of the one world people, and these people will try to burn down the churches while people are at Mass.This is why you are seeing the thick smoke with people trying to escape the flames. This will be a time when you will need to go to your homes for prayers and Masses. Many of your churches will be closed down, and only the schismatic churches will remain open. Once you see this persecution of Catholics, it will not be long until I will be warning you that it is time to come to My refuges. These events will be happening one after another in rapid succession. Keep your souls pure with frequent Confession because soon it will be hard to find a priest for Confession. You are living in the end times, so have your things ready to leave for My refuges at a moment’s notice. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you from the evil ones.”