Tyranny Theory, by A.T.

It’s been said that left to itself, government will naturally devolve into tyranny.1 The natural tendency of government is to continue to grow and bloat ever larger, to the point that the state has almost complete control over every aspect of the individual’s life. Freedom often dies a slow death by a thousand cuts. The Founding Fathers of America understood this and did everything they could to prevent this from ever happening in the United States. As a result, The U.S. Constitution is the best government document ever written by man.

However, I would like to propose a theory on how things are going to naturally progress should they be left untouched. The past year has been a wildfire. We’ve long known that the violent mob known as The Left hates President Trump with a passion and will quite literally stop at nothing to usurp his presidency. Every choice he makes is fought against tooth and nail by the mob, and I believe that as a result, a lot of people are beginning to wake up. To see the true colors of The Left, and begin to understand how dangerous they are to freedom.

Though the culture war and growth of the voice of The Left has grown for decades, the past six months have truly shown just what it is that they are capable of, and I believe it should scare every single person who both loves freedom and despises government oppression.

To state the theory simply, it is this: Tyranny will grow when the good give ground to the wicked.
When good men leave positions of power to the wicked, and when an ignorant populace will willingly fall in linen with tyrannical/unconstitutional decrees, tyranny will grow exponentially.
Mathematically, it can be represented by the following equation:
Tx = G + S
Where T = a state of tyranny, X = growth factor, G = the number of good men leaving positions of power, and S = a majority of the voting bloc being sheep.


I’ve long thought that public health was the perfect guise for the growth of tyranny. I came to this conclusion while working on my master’s in public health. I was absolutely stunned to discover how few of my fellow students had ever read or even cared about The Constitution. The pat answer to any public health question regardless of what the subject was, in their minds involved making something illegal or restricting human rights.
The past six months with coronavirus has further entrenched that opinion in my mind. Within the past six months leftist governors have put into place a number of unconstitutional decrees (notice I do not use the term “law”).

The greater majority of America was shut down, people were denied the right to work, the right to travel, the right to see their family, to stand closer than six feet to someone they know. Those who went to the beach, or paddleboarded in the ocean, or opened up their barbershops so that they and their families could eat, those who refused to wear a mask, those who went to church – all were arrested and/or fined, and doubtless you could find countless other examples within the past few months.

No governor has the power to enforce a decree that A) falls outside the scope of his powers, and B) is unconstitutional. Yet what did we see? We saw these decrees enforced over and over again. Evil men made evil decrees, and such were enforced by evil men as well. I think that needs to be one of the main things that we draw from all this. There were police officers out there who were willing to put people into jail because they went to work. There were police officers out there who were willing to put people in jail because they showed up to a constitutionally protected protest against unconstitutional lockdowns.


One may argue, “But they were just following orders!”

I would respond with this: how many atrocities have been committed by men who were ‘just following orders’? How many have been at the mercy of those ‘just following orders’?

“Sorry, ma’am, but I’m just following orders,” said the Gestapo, as he pushed another woman onto the train.

There are evil, ignorant, and stupid men in positions where they can hold a gun against your head and force you to do their will without society at large even seeming to care.

This is most certainly not an anti-cop tirade. I fully understand the importance of a police force within a society. I do not buy into the myth of rampant excessive police brutality. There are plenty of good police officers out there. What I am merely arguing is that there are tyrants out there as well who have foot soldiers to enforce their every arbitrary whim.

Mayors can argue for major police reform as riots rock their cities, while simultaneously asking for a police presence to guard their own home. And there are cops out there who will actually do so. Is that not concerning?

Look at the news around you. The current anti-cop push is huge. I scoffed at Ilhan Omar when she first tweeted ‘Defund the police’, thinking that was the most absurd thing I’d ever heard, and also one of the most unlikely. I would’ve never thought that such a position would actually grow to become a movement throughout my country. As a result of all of the BLM and anti-police riots, there is a lot of video evidence out there of cops being beat, stabbed, choked out, threatened, and the like. The district attorney can claim that a taser is a lethal weapon one day, and then push for the death penalty for the cop who defended himself against that lethal weapon another.

There are reports of cops finding spit, bleach, or other similar disgusting and dangerous ingredients within their food at restaurants. Cops are currently examined under a microscope, and as a result good cops are leaving in droves. Several of my high school friends entered the police force right after graduation. To my knowledge, many of them have quit. Florida lost an entire SWAT team for a good reason. Atlanta has lost a sizeable portion of its police presence. and there are numerous other reports of cops being ordered to stand down at these violent riots.


The good cops, those who aren’t minions of The Left, are leaving, and honestly, can we blame them? If knowing that not only are you going to place yourself in dangerous situations on a daily basis, but also if you don’t do something that meshes with current public opinion your reputation, life, job, and family are going to be endangered sounds like fun to you, then be a cop! Having your life ruined for simply doing your job is appealing to no one.

As a result, this massive immigration of the good men out of the police force is going to create a vacuum. History has shown time and time again that power vacuums are often quickly filled with the ruthless. Look at CHAZ. Within a matter of days it was reportedly taken over by a gangster. It’s often argued that ISIS was the result of a power vacuum in the Middle East. Noted libertarian economist F.A. Hayek pointed out a similar observation in the growth of tyranny. In summary, he said that when good men leave a nasty job due to finding it objectionable – or they are fired for refusing to do such a job (we’ve seen this too, in the past few months) – those positions will be filled by men who have no qualms of performing such actions. Those positions will be filled by brutes, cruel and sadistic.2
This, left unchecked, allows The Left to push through even more absurd, totalitarian, and wicked non-laws. Why? Because they now have a further footsoldier presence to enforce them. The ability for The Left to enforce their “laws” will only prove easier with time as well. Widespread use of both cameras and facial recognition software makes their jobs infinitely easier. Perhaps the one bonus of coronavirus is the ability to be in public with some level of anonymity.


“What about the current ‘Defund the Police’ movement?”

I believe that this movement is only going to continue to grow, particularly in larger, Democrat-controlled cities. I think that they will succeed in pushing through this agenda in many cases as well. At least in part. No tyrant ever rids himself of the means for forcing others to bow to his will, and as a result, no Democrat-held city will ever truly prove lawless. For a small example of this, look at New Mexico. The cops won’t show up to stop the BLM rioters, but when a man guarding a statue has to use lethal force to defend himself from a violent mob attempting to beat him with skateboards and yelling that they’re going to kill him, the cops show up in full military gear to arrest him and several other men who were guarding the statue.

No, there will always be a reserve kept behind to act as the muscle for the mob, though the face of police will change.

I think that you will see instead is the use of other weapons against conservatives. Child protective services, bank liens, eminent domain, asylums, exorbitant licenses, sky-high taxes, and other ‘no police’ weapons will be used against the non-compliant (the good). True criminals and the cruel will get off scot-free as they have in other despot governments (read The Gulag Archipelago for more examples of this).


Why is this happening? Because the region is being run by criminals. Birds of a feather flock together. Criminals can (and will) pay bribes, keep politicians from having to get their hands dirty, prove to be a readily available scapegoat, and provide a steady illicit income for the politik machine.

I think that arguments for a UN-esque military presence will begin soon as well. There’s already a lot of conversation going on at the UN about us. Let’s not forget that just within the past year the UN had job postings in New York City for disarmament officers. “Legalized” invasion and loss of sovereignty will follow, along with an increasing list of foreign communist-imposed “laws”. I think that in the near future you’ll see more CHAZ type events as well. And though I too believe that CHAZ is predominantly filled with feminine boys, you cannotunderestimate the opponent behind those concrete barriers. Communists have taken over countries before, and they’ll do it again. China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea, and Argentina are all examples of this.


And look at how much progress that leftists have made in this country. They’ve infiltrated our schools, universities, media, government, police, and healthcare. They are brainwashing our children, teaching them that America is evil, people with white skin are evil, capitalism is evil, families are evil, genders are evil, religion is evil, men are evil, and that anything other than total subservience to the state is evil as well. Is what we are seeing now not the logical culmination of this ideology?

The spread of the infection of liberalism (as they leave the areas they have destroyed for ours) will only result in further intimidation of the good into accepting evil, and the formation of CHAZ-esque fortresses throughout the country.


  1. …tyranny: The original quote is by Thomas Jefferson, and reads, “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground.”
  2. See Chapter 10 of The Road to Serfdom.
