I have a friend who is visually impaired and she has just published her first youtube video on cooking, she is making oatmeal cookies.

I will first give you some background, she is a naturalized American citizen, she came here from Monterey Mexico, legally, learned American English, and graduated from the University of Houston. Prior to that, she had a degree in communications from her home state/country. She is the sweetest person. She is a member of the Texas BET program (Blind Entrepreneurs of Texas) and was at one time asked to sit as Rick Perry's advisor for persons with disabilities, she turned it down due to complications (medical related to congenital glaucoma) at the time.

Would you folks please watch her video and send some likes and subscribes her way. Her husband is the videographer.

You can search youtube for "If a Blind person can cook" if you do not feel safe using the link below. If it is the correct video you will see her wearing an apron with a large star (Texas flag apron)

or the link below

I have a friend who is visually impaired and she has just published her first youtube video on cooking, she is making oatmeal cookies.

I will first give you some background, she is a naturalized American citizen, she came here from Monterey Mexico, legally, learned American English, and graduated from the University of Houston. Prior to that, she had a degree in communications from her home state/country. She is the sweetest person, her only flaw is that she votes democrat, even though she would not admit it she leans more conservative. She is a member of the Texas BET program (Blind Entrepreneurs of Texas) and was at one time asked to sit as Rick Perry's advisor for persons with disabilities, she turned it down due to complications (medical related to congenital glaucoma) at the time.

Would you folks please watch her video and send some likes and subscribes her way. Her husband is the videographer.

You can search youtube for "If a Blind person can cook" if you do not feel safe using the link below. If it is the correct video you will see her wearing an apron with a large star (Texas flag apron)

or the link below

(2) The best oatmeal cookies Ever!!! - YouTube

Thanks to one and all who can help.