I put this out there...I do not agree with his sentiment.

The Strange Career of Donald Trump


It is reported that Donald Trump, while his supporters were having the “million MAGA march” in Washington, rode in his armoured car to play golf. What would a man and a real leader have done? He would have gone out among the people who were making an effort and putting something on the line for him. And he would have made his sissy son-in-law go with him and meet some real Americans. And he would have made sure, with military police or whatever could be used, that his supporters were not beaten up by the thugs of antifa and BLM.

I am inclined to think that while he is letting his supporters struggle, Trump has decided to give up, despite all his bluster. When have his deeds ever matched his words? To protest the election would require more risk, innovation and determination than he has ever shown in office. Not to mention that the Republican leaders and spokesmen will without the least doubt show cowardice and desert him in any real fight. And the Democrats have the media, law enforcement, and the military under their complete control. Something that Trump might have changed if he had cared to try.

You have to understand that for Republican leaders, with a scant few exceptions, right and wrong, good and bad, true and false, are never in consideration. The only thing on their minds is keeping their comfortable places and being “respectable.” “Respectable” signifying what has been called “Midwestern nice”---never rock the boat or seem “extreme.” They will always surrender in a real showdown.

If Americans knew any history they would know that stealing elections is what Republicans did on a mass scale during Reconstruction. The only thing new is the possibilities of mail-in voting.

There are some good people who think that Trump is going to fight a crooked election and that his Presidency has somehow moved the country in a positive direction. How can anybody believe that when we face the coming years with a revolutionary regime that is likely permanent and that regards decent Americans as The Enemy? Like that second marriage, it is a triumph of hope over experience. The commissars rule the state and the mobs rule the streets.

What did we expect? A real estate speculator whose methods struck a lot of people as dubiously ethical? (Why did he not in the debates make the point that he made his money in the private sector while Biden got rich at the public trough?) A lifelong New Yorker. A TV star best known for “You’re fired!” A man with may leftwing ideas and associates in his earlier political gambits.

Think about all that he might have done to slow down our slide into degeneracy if he had used legitimate executive powers and the bully pulpit to rally the people against the revolution. The sum total is nothing except collaboration with the Establishment, just like every other Republican.