Every June our hosting contract renews. This is a big bill, and currently I have $1300 of bills for the site that need to be paid.

We need membership support if we want to stay online and keep the lights on. So please Support The Tree of Liberty

The Tree of Liberty.Com is entirely member financed.

We do not accept sponsors, and do not post advertising. Nor do we sell your emails, or engage in any tracking or less than ethical marketing of your personal information. We are the last site on the web that does none of the above, certainly the only forum.

As a result you are provided with a clean, uncluttered, and unbiased interface for the exchange of news and information. It matters.

If you would like to help financially support TheTreeofLiberty.Com you can send whatever you feel is appropriate via Paypal - just hit the link below:

TREE of LIBERTY support

If you would prefer to contribute via snail mail please send to:

Tree of Liberty
PO Box 76
Big Clifty, KY 42712

If you send a check or money order please make payable to: Tree of Liberty


Please help Keep the Tree alive!
Its up to YOU!