The Vatican probably invented the idea of some Satan whispering in our ears, as well as the idea of Hell.

When Roman Edomites got most Christians in or about Rome killed for not honoring the Emperor, they were able to take over
the Church of Rome, as Edomites did in Jerusalem, so the same thing happened in Rome.
Once they had state power, they went about eliminating all competition, and even took over the Islamic movement to use it against the Eastern Christian Churches. Eventually Constantinople fell.
And soon Rome was busy torturing and murdering Christians throughout Europe, pretty much as the Edomites had done in Palestine, and after Martin Luther was protected by Germany, the Vatican launched the 100 year and 30 year war on Germany.
And eventually almost all protest ant churches were gradually corrupted by Rome, till they became simply little Romes.

Nice Title: "interplay of mind, body, and soul in healthcare" when their idea of health care is mass depopulation.