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Thread: Godless America’s Utopia: Satan’s Rising Hell on Earth

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    Default Godless America’s Utopia: Satan’s Rising Hell on Earth

    Godless America’s Utopia: Satan’s Rising Hell on Earth

    “There are two kingdoms in the world to date, two spheres of government: the government of God, and the government of Satan. They are mutually exclusive and antagonistic. Every man exists in one of these two kingdoms. You tonight are living in the kingdom of light or the kingdom of darkness. You’re living under the control of Satan or under the control of God. There are only two governing spheres of the universe. In the beginning there was just one, the kingdom of God. All things in obedience and in subjection unto him; God created angelic beings. One special being known as Lucifer, the anointed cherub, rebelled against the authority of God and formed a second government, the government of death and darkness. Ultimately, Satan’s kingdom is going to come down. In fact, it is close to the end of Satan’s reign now.” Smith’s Bible Commentary, Acts 26:18
    Marxism, Progressivism, Leftism, Socialism, and Transhumanism are utopian ideological elements of Satan’s world system. Among utopianism’s most enduring modern myths are man as ape, the product of void, matter, and evolution; chosen apes will evolve into gods; and the self-refuting notion that apes of evolution are born good despite being instinct-driven apes of the void (nothingness) and its evolutionary energy supposedly working on matter. (1)
    Even more incredible, apes of evolution are the slaves (victims) of Jehovah (Psalm 83:18; Gen. 22:14), the God Who does not exist. As well, the void’s apes are also the slaves (victims) of Biblically grounded Western tradition and culture and when liberated from their slavery to the nonexistent God and oppressive Western tradition and culture, the ape’s innate goodness will fully manifest itself.

    In support of these self-refuting yet enduring delusions are three more. First, enlightened yet dehumanized Transhuman elite god-apes and the global world order they are building are evolving ever upward toward apotheosis and a communist, socialist, or Technocratic Transhuman paradise on earth. Second, scientific engineering, technology, and the void’s divine life-making energy (serpent power) known as evolution have brought the enlightened yet morally depraved and deeply deluded apes to the brink of ending all suffering, particularly death itself. And finally, the void’s enlightened apes are gaining control over evil.
    Reality says otherwise:

    “Communism has been tried for more than 100 years by hundreds of millions of people, and the results are always the same: Its fruits are death, destruction, and despair. Its leading figures were cynical and sly men who masked their hatred of humanity with high-sounding words. By any measure, they were as dark and sinister as could be.” (Dead End of Communism, The Epoch Times)

    For more than 100 years, utopianism has been a dark spellbinding force for modern Gnostic pagan God-and-human hating power and vengeance seeking psychopaths, the criminally minded, emotionally unstable and demonically possessed.
    C.E.M Joad, a 20th century philosopher, had been among the ranks of the spellbound and spent most of his life embracing utopian Progressive myths and loudly proclaiming his distaste for the supernatural Triune God. However, the catastrophic events, genocide and other monstrous crimes against humanity committed by Marxist Communists and National Socialists empowered and financed by Western Progressive financiers during the 20th century finally wore down his misplaced optimism:

    “…the power that…Left-wingers exercised was never their own power or communist power but…the power of the international financial coterie.” (Dr. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p. 954)

    After years of so-called enlightened Progressives, Marxists and other like-minded disciples of Satan making the same stupid, discouraging and outright evil choices over and over again, committing the same terrible crimes against humanity over and over again, and rationalizing their wickedness over and over again, Joad was forced to conclude that his faith in man was wrong. Progressive myths were rendered utterly implausible by the catastrophic and genocidal events of the twentieth century.

    Joad concluded that it is because Progressives and their like-minded counterparts rejected,

    “…the doctrine of original sin that we on the Left were always being disappointed; disappointed by the refusal of people to be reasonable, by the subservience of intellect to emotion, by the failure of true Socialism to arrive, by the behavior of nations and politicians, by the masses’ preference for Hollywood to Shakespeare and for Mr. Sinatra to Beethoven; above all, by the recurrent fact of war.” (The Deadliest Monster, J.F. Baldwin, p. 97)

    Dorothy Sayers (1893-1957), renowned English crime writer, poet, playwright, essayist, translator and Christian humanist concurs:
    “The people who are most discouraged and made despondent by the barbarity and stupidity of human behavior are those who think highly of homo sapiens….and who still cling to an optimistic belief in the civilizing influence of progress and enlightenment.” (Ibid, p. 96)

    The man is born good myth was shown to be a dangerous delusion in 1926 when Governor Theodore Christianson of Minnesota established the Minnesota Crime Commission to study crime and evaluate its causes. The commission eventually concluded that criminal tendencies were not the result of slavery to the Triune God and Western civilization as Progressives claimed. In essence the Commission’s findings agreed with Joad’s conclusions upon his loss of faith in the Progressive myth.
    The Commission offered the following brutal observation:

    “Every baby starts life as a little savage. He is completely selfish and self-centered. He wants what he wants when he wants it: his bottle, his mother’s attention, his playmates’ toys…or whatever. Deny him these and he seethes with rage and aggressiveness which could be murderous were he not so helpless. He’s dirty; he has no morals, no knowledge, no developed skills. This means that all children, not just certain children, but all children, are born delinquent. If permitted to continue in their self-centered world of infancy, given free rein to their impulsive actions to satisfy each want, every child would grow up a criminal, a thief, a killer, a rapist.”

    The completely selfish and self-centered human can grow up to be far more evil than common delinquents. Their narcissism can become so massively inflated, twisted, and paranoid and their consciences so depraved and hardened they are transformed into psychopaths.

    Martha Stout has worked extensively with victims of psychopaths and describes them as having no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what they do. Psychopaths have no,

    “…limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or – family. Imagine no struggles with shame – no matter what kind of selfish, lazy, harmful, or immoral action (they take).” The concept of responsibility is unknown to them, “except as a burden others seem to accept – like gullible fools.” They are not held back from any of their “desires by guilt or shame, and… are never confronted by others for (their) cold-bloodedness…. (They) are completely free of internal restraints, and…unhampered liberty to do just as (they) please, with no pangs of conscience…” (Political Ponerology, Andrew M. Lobaczewski, pp. 10-11)

    Psychopathy: What Is It?

    John Ray, M.A., Ph.D., summarizes some of the central characteristics of psychopathy as follows:

    “He is not obviously ‘mad.’ he is often highly intelligent; he is unmoved by brutality (except to enjoy perpetrating it); he has no moral or ethical standards; he is deeply (but discreetly) in love with himself (narcissism) so secretly despises others and thinks they are fit only to be dominated and exploited by him and those like him; he is a great manipulator who loves getting others to do his bidding by deception or otherwise; he is the master of the lie and the false pretense but sees no reason to be consistent from occasion to occasion; he will say anything to gain momentary praise or admiration; his only really strongly felt emotions seem to be hate and contempt and he is particularly enraged by those who have what he wants and will be totally unscrupulous in trying to seize what others have for himself. But above all, the psychopath does not seem to be able to tell right from wrong and, as a result, does sometimes commit or connive at murders and other heinous crimes with what seems to be a clear conscience.” (Leftism As Psychopathy, John Ray)
    Psychopaths view other people as weeds, worms, aggregates of matter, and holons. Lacking remorse, they psychologically manipulate, terrorize and use their intended victims for purposes of self-gratification. Other common characteristics include: moral relativism (no absolutes), an overwhelming sense of entitlement, parasitism, psychological and physical bullying, casual cruelty, pleasure at inflicting pain (sadism), insensitivity, dishonesty, pathological lying, aggression, impulsiveness, promiscuity, sexual depravity, and irresponsibility.

    Psychopaths as Omnipotent ‘gods’
    cultural engineer’s behind violent trans movement must be legally held accountable”. Alex Jones
    The omnipotence of Global banksters, Transhumans, Leftist Progressive ruling class and social engineer psychopaths comes from imagining they possess power over the Holy Trinity and His Revealed Word. Thus, they take for themselves the power of the Lord’s own spoken Word.
    Their diabolical delusions are then interpreted and promulgated,

    “… in a quasi-divine manner as the secular word of God, which is why it is inimical to counter-argument and will not tolerate dissent. It has proliferated in various forms and guises, theories and practices, right up to the present moment.” (The Left Will Always Be With Us, David Solway, American Thinker, Jan. 2018)

    In this way they give their own words the active force of the Triune Gods creative words, thereby allowing them to unweave, unmake, and refashion creation, reinvent human beings, paganize Scripture, creatively destroy the family and society, perversely sexualize children, and use the world’s people as guinea pigs for monstrous population control and genetic re-engineering experiments.
    Furthermore, with their words of diabolical power they can decide who might live and the millions who must die, what we may have or not have, how many children we may have, what our diet should be (insects, fungi, and mRNA contaminated vegetables), what we are allowed to know and not know and who the Official State Enemies are—straight white males and orthodox Christians. This is a psychopath’s anti-christ power trip.

    What drives psychopaths is a ravenous hunger for making other people suffer. Just as normal humans enjoy seeing other people happy and thriving, the psychopath enjoys the opposite. As their soulless lack of empathy results in blindness to the humanity of their victims this in turn permits victims to be sacrificed without remorse on altars of malignant narcissism, for with the negation of humanity intended victims are no longer human beings but objects to be used, abused, tormented, stepped on and discarded at will.
    This monstrous evil is expressed over and over in the writings of the sexual psychopath, the Marquis de Sade:

    “The philosopher sates his appetites without inquiring to know what his enjoyments may cost others, and without remorse.” (Libido Dominandi, E. Michael Jones, p. 26)

    Paul Hollander’s book “Political Pilgrims: Western Intellectuals in Search of the Good Society” recounts what depraved Leftist intellectuals and apostate priests did for many decades in the Soviet era. To quote one Amazon reviewer:

    “Political Pilgrims is the amazing story of how Western intellectuals embraced Marxist tyrants at the very moment their colleagues were rotting in prison cells, and the common people everyone claimed to be concerned for, were starving. The book relates how cultural and religious leaders from the West, including familiar names, visited the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and other communist countries, and told the most appalling lies.” (Ibid, Ray)

    Among well-known psychopaths of the 20th century are Pol Pot, Hitler, Beatrice Webb, Margaret Sanger, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Castro.
    Kaganovitch, Stalin’s brother-in-law and closest collaborator described Stalin as no longer human:

    “Even when he exhibited some emotions, they all did not seem to belong to him. They were as false as the scale on top of armor…He was not human at all…” (Marx and Satan, Richard Wurmbrand, p. 53)

    Milovan Djilas, Communist leader of Yugoslavia, perceptively described the mesmerizing satanic energy emanating from Stalin:

    “Was it not so that the demonic power and energy of Stalin consisted in this, that he made the (Communist) movement and every person in it pass to a state of confusion and stupefaction, thus creating and ensuring his reign of fear…” (Ibid, p. 54)

    Prominent psychopaths of our own time include the average left-wing academic, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Klaus Scwab, Bill Gates, and George Soros who,

    “…prays to themselves as saviors of the planet and as shapers of mankind in their own image…” (“The Ruling Class: How They Corrupted America and What We Can Do About It” Angelo M. Codevilla p. xix)

    For our generation of satanic psychopaths there is no Holy Trinity, no Moral Law, no immutable Truth, no sin, and no fear of judgment and hell. Thus, they are free to be evil: to think evil, speak evil and commit acts of evil since there is only sovereign willful ‘self’ who knows only personal selfishness, ambition, lust, hate, vengeance, and murder of anyone who comes between them and what they covet.

    A diabolical tyranny of evil has spread itself over and across the world and our country like a vast dark wing. In this darkness we cannot understand its’ manifestations – its’ seething hatred of Jesus Christ, parents, children, and America’s middle class – particularly white Conservatives and Christians. Nor can we understand its’ treachery, cruelty, sadism, pathological lying, obscenity, perversity, blasphemy, and deliberate corruption of our children unless we return to our Heavenly Father and the Biblical view of man:

    “…. the basic insights of the Christian faith provide the best insight we have into the nature of man and of the crisis we find ourselves in.” (John Hallowell, The Conservative Intellectual Movement, George Nash, p. 53)
    The void, matter, and evolution are lies from hell as is the delusion that man is born good, as Satan’s apes of evolution claim. Nor do Satan’s apes and society progressively evolve to some higher, more godlike spiritual state. This too, is pure delusion from the pits of hell.

    Without exception, evil cuts through the hearts of all men and women, thus no concept gives “deeper insight into the enigma that is man” than original sin. Evil is not just a “bad dream” or “an accident of history.” Nor is it the “creation of a few antisocial men” but rather a “subtle, protean force,” and original sin is a “parabolical expression” of this “immemorial tendency of man to do the wrong thing when he knows the right thing.” (George Nash)

    As a people, and more importantly as Christians who should know better, we have allowed ourselves to forget this – to our peril.
    ”The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” - Margaret Thatcher

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2021


    Psychopath means Self Path, which is why Proverbs says, "spare the rod spoil the child."
    Satan simply means adversary, not some guy in a red suit flying around tempting people.

    Ayne Rand wrote a book, The Virtue of Selfishness. And a truely selfish person values his life on a long term basis, because he knows "The wages of sin is death".

    Most Christians have come to think that the Perfect Logic of the Law established by our Perfect Creator of all life and love is abolished, and are thus free to pursue their own lusts and desires any way they can, which is what Adam did and Adam's decision to do define good and evil by his own desires has been transmitted genetically to his descendants ever since; Which is why Christ said, "Only the overcomers inherit the Kingdom of our Creator."
    Over come our will as opposed to the Perfect Will and Logic of the Creator.

    Congress has repeatedly abandoned that, by adopting the Talmud as as the basic law of America. And that law is condemned as making the Perfect Law of the Perfect Master of His Universe of none effect on Earth.

    So, welcome to an America that Hates Perfect Law, and prefers the self path of crime.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I'm getting a bit tired of your stereotyping bigotry or racism or whatever you want to call it, Ivan. This is a good post that seems to be written to the whole world, not only America? Correct? Crime, or transgressing the Perfect Law of our Father, is, indeed a huge problem all over the world it seems...for which it is His will that we all repent of! If, by your snarky comments about America and its self-pride, you seek to humiliate....OK. Who, here on the Tree is defending the lawlessness, save about 4 or 5?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Achilles View Post
    You tonight are living in the kingdom of light or the kingdom of darkness. You’re living under the control of Satan or under the control of God.
    Not quite. Most enjoy one foot in and one foot out. THINKING they are part of the Kingdom of light, but deceived enough to be in darkness.

    1Ki 18:21 And Eliyahu came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? If Yahuah be Elohiym, follow him: but if Ba`al, then follow him.

    Rev 3:16 So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue you out of my mouth.

    2Ki 17:33 They feared Yahuah, and served their own elohiym, after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from thence.

    Nothing new under the sun.

    And, the Torahless -

    Mat 7:21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Master, Master,’ shall enter into the reign of the heavens, but he who is doing the desire of My Father in the heavens.
    Mat 7:22 “Many shall say to Me in that day, ‘Master, Master, have we not prophesied in Your Name, and cast out demons in Your Name, and done many mighty works in Your Name?’
    Mat 7:23 “And then I shall declare to them, ‘I never knew you, depart from Me, you who work lawlessness!’
    Last edited by Off-Grid Organics; 03-31-2023 at 12:50 PM.
    "The one who says he stays in Him is indebted to walk, even as He walked." 1Jn 2:6

    Without Torah, His walk is impossible - it's Rome's walk without Torah.

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