“It starts with the coming of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost and ends with the Rapture of the church. This dispensation is worldwide and includes both Jews and the Gentiles. Man’s responsibility during the Dispensation of Grace is to believe in Jesus, the Son of God” (gotquestions.org).

Just “believe in jesus” is the responsibility of man during this time, they say. They say their ‘church’ was ‘born’ on that set-apart festival of Shavuot, seemingly unaware that those “with ONE MIND in ONE place” (Acts 2:1) had been been doing His feasts for millennia and His ekklesia/kahal (church, as they say) for just as long (Acts 7:3. This ‘new church’ erases any concept of being engrafted into Israel, the covenants, and no longer has a definition for sin. It truly boggles the mind that folks fall for that. This is believing in lies and denying the very Messiah they claim. A counterfeit. A false messiah. Does the True Messiah even know them?

“My sheep hear my voice, and I KNOW THEM, and they follow me” Joh 10:27

“Many shall say to Me in that day, ‘Master, Master, have we not prophesied in Your Name, and cast out demons in Your Name, and done many mighty works in Your Name?’ “And then I shall declare to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU, depart from Me, you who work lawlessness!’ Mat 7:22-23

“For TRULY, I say to you, till the heaven and the earth PASS AWAY, one yod or one tittle shall by NO MEANS pass from the Torah till all be done.” Matt 5:18.

“It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceeds out of the mouth of Yahuah.” Mat 4:4

”...BE CONFORMED to the image of His Son...” Rom 8:29

”...WALK, even AS HE WALKED” 1Jn 2:6

“Become, then, IMITATORS OF YHUH” Eph 5:1

“And the one GUARDING HIS COMMANDS stays in Him, and He in him. And BY THIS WE KNOW that He stays in us, BY THE SPIRIT WHICH HE GAVE US.” 1Jn 3:24

Did you hear all that? A carnal mind (Rom 8:7) would be busy pulling excuses for an alternative meaning behind those clear words. His sheep hear it and He knows them. To simply ‘believe’ won’t cut it, even demons believe (Jam 2:19). A false spirit won’t identify sin as YHUH does (1Jn 3:4), thus sin is added to sin. That is not of Him.

“Woe to the stubborn children,” declares יהוה, “to make counsel, but not from Me, and to devise plans, but NOT OF MY SPIRIT, in order to ADD SIN TO SIN...”Isa 30:1