When Yeshua fulfilled the Law He did not destroy it. By fulfilling it He was able to be the sinless sacrifice for all who come to faith in Him. His death and resurrection also moved us out from the old and into the new covenant. Romans chapters 6,7 and 8 is a gold mine of scripture dealing with the believer, Law(old covenant) and Grace (new covenant). I myself, and I think every other Christian here on the Tree of Liberty is in complete agreement with Paul when he says in Romans 7:7 ,"What shall we say then? Is the Law sin? May it never be! On the contrary,I would not have come to know sin except through the Law.

I'm in the beginning stages of studying what the new covenant is. As I learn I'll be sharing with you all. I expect it to take a good deal of time.
At the Passover in Luke 22:20 Yeshua introduces the new covenant to His disciples. We learn some more when Paul quotes Jeremiah 31:31-34 (which is the prophesy of the new covenant) in Hebrews chapter 8:8-12. Then in verse 13 Paul says,"When He said, "A new covenant", He has made the first one obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear."
The Law in the old covenant is still important. (as Romans 7:7 lets us know) However we are under grace for salvation only through faith in Yeshua's finished work on the cross. We are not under the Law ,BUT we are not lawless. Romans chapter 6:1,2 says so, and the rest of the chapter while were at it, lol.