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Thread: Self-deception

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Default Self-deception

    “Let no man deceive you by any means” 2Th 2:3. Baptists will teach their doctrines, Pentecostals have theirs, Catholics, Mormons, Adventists, Calvinists, Lutherans, and on and on - all under one banner, calling themselves christians. One might begin to lose count after the first 500 different flavors; there are so many thousands more. I wonder if they would all lay claim to being the “one true church”? Or would they admit error, “no, we mess some stuff up, better pick another church”? Usually, the denomination folks attend is inherited from the family. But as christianity and church attendance wanes, there are now “seeker churches” - those who take surveys to determine what people want from a church. The church of Baskin Robbins - name your flavor, name your doctrines - or lack thereof. Just make us feel saved, happy, and secure. Take my money.

    “If the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the wicked and the sinner appear? 1Pe 4:18.

    Church marketeers have gone back to the drawing boards. They’ve schemed a church service that doesn’t intrude on much time. They toss in some contemporary music, maybe some skits or other entertaining acts. The messages avoid controversial or difficult subjects like sin, judgment, or righteousness. The Good News is packaged as, “Give jesus a try, just ask Him into your heart.” Lost in the entertainment is the message of Scripture, that our sins have alienated us from a set-apart Elohim. Where is the exegesis, verse-by-verse exposition of Scripture? Where are the Bereans that scrutinized Torah to see if what was being voiced by men was true (Acts 17:11)?

    Perhaps your church is more serious, no entertainment at all. But how does it compare to how the first-century believers were walking? Every last one of them were walking in Torah. That’s easily proven, undeniable fact. Keeping all the Sabbaths, never eating unclean beasts, nor attending pagan festivals. Has your church replaced His commands with commands of men? You may as well be entertained while in apostasy if such is the case. You shouldn’t tolerate it. That’s self-deception. Allowing yourself to be persuaded by men and not the facts of Scripture. Self-deception will justify breaking what Scripture calls sin.

    “Whosoever commits sin transgresses also the Torah: for SIN IS the transgression of the Torah” 1Jn 3:4.

    “Be ye DOERS of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves” Jas 1:22.

    “For not the hearers of the Torah are just before Elohiym, but the DOERS of the Torah shall be justified” Rom 2:13.

    Ben Franklin once said, “who has deceived thee so often as thyself?” Don’t allow it! Self-deception causes a false assurance of salvation, a false sense of righteousness, and results in active rebellion toward Yah. This can happen whenever we form our own beliefs without diligent effort on making lifetime progress applying the truth. It is most likely to occur when we have strong emotional attachments to any so-called “organized” religion. If you are in rebellion to Yah and resisting Him writing His Torah within you, you are in rebellion to His covenant terms. And worse -

    “I will put my Torah in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their Elohiym, and they shall be my people” Jer 31:33

    In rebellion to: “Yahusha THE MEDIATOR of the Renewed Covenant” Heb 12:24.

    Also in rebellion of : “MY BLOOD of the Renewed Covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Mat 26:28

    And welcoming a very unwelcome outcome: “Anyone who has disregarded the Torah of Mosheh dies without compassion on the witness of two or three witnesses. How much worse punishment do you think shall he deserve who has trampled the Son of Elohim underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was set apart as common, and insulted the Spirit of favour?” Heb 10:28-29

    Even the demonic realm believes (Jas 2:19), but willfully chooses rebellion. Those not of that realm are solely seduced through deception. Prime candidates are those who don’t test the Word and ignore Yah’s directives. The warning is clear. What has happened should not have happened. NO divisions of men -

    ”Be of ONE Word, and that there be NO DIVISIONS among you; but that ye be perfectly JOINED TOGETHER in the SAME mind and in the SAME judgment.” 1Co 1:10 ”MARK THEM which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and AVOID THEM” Rom 16:17. “And the esteem which You gave Me I have given them, so that they might be ONE AS WE ARE ONE” Joh 17:22 ”ONE body and ONE Spirit, as you also were called in ONE expectation of your calling, ONE Master, ONE belief, ONE immersion, ONE Elohim” Eph 4:4-6. “ONE TORAH and ONE manner of LAW shall be for you, and for the stranger” Num 15:16 ONE!

    The evidence cannot be avoided. A choice must be made. In order to avoid self-deception, you must have a willingness to give up cherished traditions no matter how painful you may think it is. It’s on you, nobody else. Again, remembering this verse was penned when there was no new testament -

    “Study to show YOURSELF approved unto Elohiym, a workman that NEEDS NOT TO BE ASHAMED, rightly dividing the Word of Truth” 2Ti 2:15

    “I SHALL NOT BE ASHAMED, when I have respect unto all your commandments” Psa 119:6

    One day, it all will matter. Big time (Matt 7:23). Choose in advance. Take the first step and return to the true Sabbath and see what happens (Jon 9:14)!
    "The one who says he stays in Him is indebted to walk, even as He walked." 1Jn 2:6

    Without Torah, His walk is impossible - it's Rome's walk without Torah.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Excellent 'angle'! Self deception...with the desire to be "right" in one's own eyes!

    Your paragraph: "Self-deception causes a false assurance of salvation, a false sense of righteousness, and results in active rebellion toward Yah. This can happen whenever we form our own beliefs without diligent effort on making lifetime progress applying the truth. It is most likely to occur when we have strong emotional attachments to any so-called “organized” religion. If you are in rebellion to Yah and resisting Him writing His Torah within you, you are in rebellion to His covenant terms. And worse -"

    Forming our own beliefs....defining "our" truth.... great insight!

    Messiah prayed for us: Sanctify them in Thy truth...Thy word is Truth! He defines, He writes, He saves.....

    Peace, my friend!

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