I dried beets yesterday, and the day before.
I simply boiled them until their skins would slip off, and they were tender. then I sliced them at 1/4 inch, and dried until brittle. the book says until leathery, but I wanted them to last, so i took them out to brittle.
I do all of my veggies.
I am drying mixed veggies today. YOU know you can dry all frozen veggies .so even if you don't have a garden, get big bags of frozen veggies and dry them.
tomorrow ,
Broccoli , will l be dried, and some corn. I have decided to dry almost all my veggies in my freezer ,and will probably can up a lot of the fruit.good thing to think about , is this, if the war starts, and the grid goes down. don't loose your food. am going to start canning up meats also.