Quote Originally Posted by Micah68 View Post
Wow - nothing like answering a question 18 months late, is there!

Washing soda is Arm & Hammer washing soda...it comes in boxes and can sometimes be found at Walmart by the laundry detergent, but I ususally just have my local grocer order me a case of it.
I think here in the N.E., they are calling it 20 Mule Team Borax?? I use it and have for years when my kids were young and really playing and working in the fields hard. Takes out grass stains, etc. I think it also leaves clothes feeling softer without paying the high prices for fabric softener in laundry. (I couldn't use it in my front loading washing machine tho'). Now I have gone back to the infusion top loader washing machine and I LOVE it. Hugs to all. AL