Via John Leary(yet to be approved)

July 18, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, I watch over all of My people, and I know your needs more than you do. You have been suffering through a hot summer, and your air conditioner needs an upgrade, along with a new heater. At the urging of your wife, you will have both replaced sooner than you planned. The new heater could also be used while you still have natural gas that I could multiply for you, if your gas gets cut off. I could also multiply your wood and kerosene to provide enough heat in the winter. In the tribulation time I told you that I would multiply your fuels, food, and water at My refuges. Have no fear of the evil ones, or any worries about what you will eat, or how you would find enough fuel. I will see to your needs physically and spiritually when you will have daily Holy Communion from a priest or My angels. You all need to have more trust that I can do the impossible for all the situations you will endure in this life. This is My comfort that I am giving to My people who love Me and have faith in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had several messages on the Warning that have indicated it is getting close. The Warning will be a second chance for sinners to repent and seek My forgiveness of their sins. When you come before Me, you will see your life review, and you will understand how much you offend Me with your sins. You will also see how your actions have offended people without you realizing it at the time. You will be judged on how you used your time to show your love for Me in helping others. At the end of your life review, you will see your mini-judgment of your destination based on your life’s actions. I have asked sinners to come to Me in frequent Confession so they will not see any judgment to hell in their Warning experience. If you love Me, you will show it in your prayers and good works. Those people, who love Me all throughout their lives, will receive a just reward. But those people, who refuse to love Me, I will tell them that I do not know them, and they are on a road to hell. Pray for these souls to wake up and be open to My love. Your persistent prayers for these souls can give them a chance to be saved. At one point they will be given a choice to love Me or not. All the souls going to hell have chosen not to love Me, even when they know they will be punished in hell forever. My Warning will give these sinners one last chance to love Me. Pray that you could convert such souls after their Warning so they could be saved from hell.”

July 19, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, your society in general is very much like the people who built the Tower of Babel, when they thought they were more powerful than I am. They worshiped this man-made tower, instead of worshiping Me. I brought a punishment down upon these people when they started speaking in different languages, and they could not communicate with each other. Today, in your modern world of skyscrapers and electricity, mankind has entered the digital age, and many are worshiping your scientific innovations more than Me. In one recent event you saw a power outage when one of your electric poles caught on fire, and people lost their air conditioning, lights, and their electric appliances. How easy these incidents show you how vulnerable your lifestyles are, when you lose your electricity. Instead of worshiping mankind’s inventions, you need to worship Me, who created everything you have to survive, with the sun and your oxygen to breathe. I have given you your very life, and your soul that will live on forever. Do not let your pride, or the devil deceive you, because without Me, you are nothing, and you would not even exist. Give praise and glory to your Savior, who forgives your sins, and I provide everything for you.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have many commercial sources to provide power so your people can have electricity. Some power plants are run by burning coal or natural gas where it is available. Other sources are from nuclear power, or hydroelectric power from dams. Very little non-fossil sources come from solar and wind power. All of these power sources have different costs, but they all contribute to your electric grid. Pray that you can protect your grid from hacking and terrorist attacks, since your society is very reliant on electricity.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had heightened tensions between Russia and America over Syria and the Ukraine. Since your two nations possess the most nuclear weapons in the world, it is good to meet and lessen these tensions to minimize any chance of a nuclear war. Continue to pray for peace and stop any further wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many dried out lawns when they are not watered. The same is true of your farms that could lose their crops if they are not watered with irrigation. Finding enough water to water your lawns and farms can be more of a problem in the West where there are many fires. You could see your crops affected by this hot, dry summer. This could be the beginning of a famine, if you continue to have hot summers. Again it would be good to stock up on some extra food in case a famine breaks out. Pray for rain and pray that I will provide you with enough food to survive this heat.”

Jesus said: “My son, when you had your wife’s mother living with you, you had to help her with a ramp to the car, and a chairlift to get her up to her bedroom. She also needed a walker to get around. Handicapped people have a heavy cross to bear, so reach out to help them in transportation and their shopping for food. Pray for the sick, and visit them to give them hope, and take away any despair.”

Jesus said: “My people, not everyone can afford air conditioning during a hot summer. If you know of elderly or homeless people, you could buy them a fan, or help them to a shelter so they do not get dehydrated and die. Just as these people could die from the cold in winter, they could also die of excessive heat in the summer.”

Jesus said: “My son, you worked at a food shelf without pay so you could help those people who needed food to survive. Even though you have welfare and food stamps, some people may not know how to get help. It is your food shelves that supply a need for people without food. This is why you all could give donations to your local food shelf. You could also help in buying food and distributing the food to those families in need. Pray for the poor and needy so they can find the food they need to survive.”

Margaret came and said: “I am grateful for all the prayers and physical help I received in my last days with cancer. Our prayer group was happy to see you, John, at your talks. You could see all the work and preparations we made at our joint refuge. I did not get to use our refuge, but your messages were an inspiration to prepare for the coming tribulation. Pray for me, and all the faithful people who will need God’s protection at His refuges.”

July 20, 2018:
Jesus said: “My son, I am giving you another message on the Warning. This time I am showing you how you will leave your body, and leave the earth as your soul body will go into space. You will be traveling fast through the stars, and gradually you will come to My great Light. It is then that you will have your life review of all the events and actions of your life flashed in front of you. You will view all of your actions, and you will see them through My eyes and the eyes of the people around you. As you advance in age, and your faith deepens, then you will see how you are more conscious of following My laws and a desire to love Me. It is this love of Me and your love of neighbor that will appear in your judgment to show you if you are one of My followers or not. You will have a deep sorrow for your sins, and you will have a strong desire for Confession. You may even have a taste of purgatory, as you will make some reparation for your sins. Then you will be suddenly put back into your body, and you will have a strong feeling to seek My forgiveness of all of your sins. After you have an opportunity for your own Confession, then you will see a chance to evangelize the souls in your own family that need saving. This Warning is a blessing for all sinners who take this opportunity to repent of their sins, and be saved by My grace. Give praise and thanks to Me for saving some souls that would have been lost, without My Warning experience.”

Jesus said: “My people, in communist atheistic countries, you are already seeing Christians being martyred for their faith. In the early days after My death, there were many Christians martyred by the Romans. As the progressive people gain power, you will see more persecutions of Christians. This will turn into hate for Christians, and it will lead into the killing of Christians, much like Hitler killed the Jews. Just as the religious leaders wanted to kill Me, you will see the leaders of the schismatic church trying to kill My faithful remnant. When your lives are threatened by the evil ones, then you will need to seek My refuges for your protection. Trust in My protection by My angels during the coming tribulation.”

July 21, 2018
Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful for the priests and Mike McBride for arranging this tribute to My two Eucharistic martyrs, Fr. George Weinmann and Sister Lillian Marie Mclaughlin. There was a fire at St. Philip Neri Church, and both of these saints tried to rescue My consecrated Hosts from the fire, but they died in this attempt. You are all aware of My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts. These saints thought more of protecting My consecrated Hosts, than their own lives. They loved Me so much that they risked their lives for Me. Those souls, who receive Me in daily Holy Communion, and come to Adoration daily, are My special adorers. When you make Me the center of your lives, you will have your heavenly reward. Give praise and glory to My Blessed Sacrament, and I treasure all of My martyrs who died for their faith in Me.”

Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am happy to receive your prayers in your rosary, and I bless all of you for coming here for the rosary and my Son’s Mass. Your priest gave you some good intentions to pray for. You truly need to pray for more vocations to the priesthood. It is sad to see churches close, but my children need to bring their families to Sunday Mass, and contribute to the support of your church. It is also important to give your children a good example in coming to monthly Confession. All sinners need to come to my Son to have their sins forgiven. Without your prayers and seeking your forgiveness of your sins, you cannot come to heaven. Pray for the souls of your family and encourage them to come to Sunday Mass, Confession, and live in marriage in my Son’s Church, and not in fornication. These things are all a part of your faith when you were taught in school and by your parents. Show your love for Jesus and your neighbors, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you are replacing a 24 year old central air and heater system that was not large enough to cool your house with the new addition. Since you will have a new heater, you can use the natural gas a bit longer. You have assumed that you will not have your natural gas during the tribulation. I told you that I would multiply your fuels during the tribulation. So with prayer and trust, I could multiply your natural gas, and you could still use your new heater. You will not have enough power to run your air conditioner, so this summer you are experiencing the heat you will have to endure during the summer in the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, you had a flashback to your first vision back on July 21, 1993, twenty-five years ago. You smelled roses in your bedroom, and you had a vision of a headline in a newspaper that read ‘DISASTER’. Today, you receive visions and messages which you share on the internet, in your books, and in your printed pages for your prayer group. You need to pray for your publisher, Queenship Publishing Co. so they can find a way to publish your book and the other books. Their typesetter has died, and they are trying to find another typesetter, or another means to publish the books. Trust in Me so you can have your books published.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have some people who are mentally unstable that are choosing soft targets to shoot children in schools without armed guards. After several of these incidents, some schools are hiring armed guards, or allowing some teachers to carry weapons. It is sad that such sick people would want to kill a lot of children with rapid fire weapons. Continue to pray for less violence in your schools, and more means of thwarting entry for such gunmen.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing stores closing, and prices rising because of new tariffs. Many of your stores are competing with online delivery stores. It is getting harder for some smaller stores to compete with large internet delivery stores. As a result, you are seeing stores closing in large numbers. You also are seeing the beginning of trade wars with China, Europe, and other countries. This will eventually raise prices on your store items, and it will put a strain on your consumers, as well as the consumers in other countries. Be prepared to adjust to these new ways of purchasing what you need. Trust in Me to keep providing for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some military drills that have tested your people in certain areas. You could also see rolling power outages that are a sign that your power demand is overwhelming your old power grid. There are also down times when your internet has shutdowns. All of your power and communications are vulnerable to failures. This is why it would be prudent to have backup power with generators, some water sources, and some extra food storage. This is also why I am having My refuge builders prepare for coming disasters and the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned your people of America that you would be punished with natural disasters, if you do not stop your abortions, and you do not change your sinful lifestyles. You have the one world people in control of the HAARP machine that can be used to enhance tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Some of your heat waves are being caused by stationary high pressure systems caused by the HARRP machine. This device can also cause hurricanes to ramp up to Category 5 strength that could cause major damage on land. Pray for your people to change their ways, or you could see more damaging disasters.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you a mission to help prepare people for the coming tribulation. Your prayer group was started as a Blue Army Fatima cell, and I commend all of your people for being so faithful to Me in your prayers every week. This is why I am blessing all of you as a reward for staying close to Me. I love everyone, but My prayer group members are special to Me because you are giving a good example to the rest of My faithful. Continue your prayers and trust in Me to protect you, no matter what events will test you.”

July 22, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, there were many people coming to Me for healing, or to hear My words of preaching. This is why I took My apostles to a deserted place for some rest and quiet from the crowds. Once we came to shore in a boat, the people greeted us as we arrived. I took compassion on the people, as they were like sheep without a shepherd. Since there was no food there, I multiplied the two fish and five barley loaves so the people would have something to eat. It is the same way in your spiritual life that I need to feed you with My Bread of life in Holy Communion. You also need to find a quiet place, so you can pray and listen for My words to your heart on what I want you to do. When you make Me the center of your life, then you will be like the crowds as you seek My help and My instruction in the Scriptures.”

July 23, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel the people asked Me for a sign, and the only sign I would give them, is the sign of Jonah. At the warning of Jonah, he told the people that their city would be destroyed in forty days. The people of Nineveh repented of their sins, and they changed their sinful lifestyles. So it is today, I am giving you another sign. The vision is of a crop failure with rotted food in a wooden crate from the fields. You can see how your hot weather will have a bad effect on your crops, if they do not get enough water. This is a sign of a coming famine, when food will be hard to find. You could see a time of chaos and fighting over any food and water that is left. This is also another warning to My people to stock up on some dried foods or canned foods for at least six months to a year’s supply of food for every household member. Be prepared for a coming famine, that could threaten your lives. This will be another time to come to My refuges of protection, where you will be guarded by My angels, and be fed by multiplying your food, water, and fuels.”

Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when you will see the tribulation of the Antichrist. I am having refuge builders prepare My refuges with bedding, food, and water. In the Northern climates you will need fuels that I will multiply to keep you warm. If you do not have a refuge, then you need to prepare a backpackor a roller board with items for traveling. In the vision there is a suggestion to bring things like you do for a picnic. Have some food, snacks, dishes, and bottled water. You could store two changes of clothes, hygiene things, a washcloth, and some spiritual things as rosaries and a small Bible. In addition to your backpack, you could bring a tent and a sleeping bag. By having your things already packed, you could place them in your vehicle and be ready to leave in twenty minutes.Trust in Me that your guardian angel will shield you, and guide you to the nearest refuge.”

Mass for Betty Theut: Jesus said: “My son, your Mass today has enabled Betty Theut to be released from purgatory. She is with Me in heaven. She thanks all the people who were praying for her, and those people, who had Masses said for her intention.”

July 24, 2018:
Flo said: “I want to thank all of my family and friends for coming to my funeral Mass. This is my last chance to have the final word on this service. I am glad they talked about my kindness, but I did like St. Paul’s words about how he fought the good fight up until the end. As you saw in another Tripi funeral, my family can get long winded. I was happy to be a faithful parish member at Holy Name of Jesus, and at St. Charles Borromeo. I will be doing a short stay in upper purgatory, and I was happy to help people in many ways. God bless all of you, and I will be praying for you.”

July 25, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing droughts, fires, record high temperatures, and floods from heavy rains. I told you that America will be punished for your sins by natural disasters.In the vision you are seeing food being heated in a crude outdoor oven using wood. As you approach the tribulation time, you will be in need of food and water. Your money will fail, and you will need the protection of My refuges from the evil ones. You will have daily Holy Communion from My angels or a priest. You could even survive on My Blessed Sacrament alone. So have no fear of what you will eat or drink, or where you will stay. My angels will guide you and protect you at the nearest refuge.”

Jesus said: “My son, at times you will be tried in fixing things at your refuge. Do not be upset or impatient with your problems. You need to pray to Me for help. You need to finish your small solar system when you get back. You also should have your new heater and air conditioner done. You have been given sufficient funds to deal with all of your preparations. Continue your daily prayers, and you can work through the rest of any repairs. Trust in Me to guide you, so you can provide what is needed for the people at your refuge. As you visit other refuges, you can see how I have guided them as I have helped you.”

July 26, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, just as you see this black water rising all over the world, it is a sign of how the evil is increasing in the world. You are seeing many volcanoes erupting all over the world. I have told you before that there are demons coming up into the world through your active volcanoes, like in Hawaii. I know the evil ones are gaining in power, but My power is greater, so do not fear these evil ones. When you are being attacked by evil around you, call on Me, and I will bring legions of My angels to defend you. Evil will appear to be winning on the world stage, but fear not because My angels are preparing for My great victory over the Antichrist, the demons, and the evil people. Once I come in victory, all of these evil ones will be cast into hell. Then I will recreate the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.”

St. Anne said: “My dear children, I am so sorry that you all could not come to my Shrine as you did for many years. You can see the evil one’s hand in closing the hotel, and stopping the free space for the poor people and their trailers. Other changes also have sent the priests to other places. Pray for this Shrine of mine that the people do not forget to honor me. I am happy for all the arrangements that your people have made to honor my feast day at the Oasis of Peace. I have blessed you all for your efforts to be here together. I realize how you all have made sacrifices to take time to be here for me. I love all of you as Jesus’ Grandmother, and I thank you for remembering My feast day. I love your effort in your brochure so people could remember to pray to me throughout the year. Do not hesitate to ask my intercession for your prayer intentions. Remember to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer on your way home. I also will pray for your safety, and have angels guide you through any problems.”

July 27, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision I am showing you an earthly king who will declare his kingdom all over the earth. For My faithful this will be the Antichrist, and he will be assisted by the false prophet, and Satan himself as a black ugly demon. You are looking at the beginning of the tribulation time. After the six weeks of reparation after the Warning, I want My people to get rid of your TVs, cell phones, computers, radios, and any other screens or devices connected to the internet.
This is so you do not look at the eyes of the Antichrist, or listen to his words, or he could control your mind and soul to worship him.Refuse to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in your body, that also could control your mind.I will warn My faithful at the proper time to leave for My refuges of protection from the evil ones. At My refuges you will see My luminous cross, and when you look on it in faith, you will be healed of your physical and spiritual ills. I am the only King of the Universe, and I am the only One to be worshiped. All other people and gods are not to be worshiped, or you will sin against My First Commandment. Just as you have My Blessed Sacrament before you now, so you will have perpetual Adoration of My Eucharist at every refuge. With daily Holy Communion given to you by My angels, I will feed you My Real Presence, and My love will permeate your body and soul to give you strength to bear this evil time to come. Trust in Me to have My angels protect you, and guide you to My refuges. Pray for all of My refuge builders who are preparing safe places for My faithful. You will need My cross on your foreheads by My angels, in order to enter My refuges. Give praise and glory to Me for protecting you and leading you into My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to contemplate on two eternal destinations. You can be with your King in heaven as in the castle of the vision, or you can be with Satan in the dark dungeon of hell. All of My saints and angels are with Me in My beatific vision as the angels are constantly singing My praises in heaven. Heaven is so magnificent in all of its beauty and glory. You would much rather be in heaven with your Lord who loves you, than be in hell with Satan who hates you. All of My saints and angels are beautiful spirits that have My heavenly light shining out from each of them. This is contrasted with the black, ugly demons, and black souls who are also ugly in hell from the ever burning flames. If you could see heaven and hell side by side, you would wonder how anyone could choose to be in hell. But the devil uses people’s pride to keep them from choosing to give their will and life over to Me. Unless you seek My forgiveness of your sins, and accept Me as your loving Savior, you cannot enter heaven with Me. You are all called to love Me and serve Me, but many reject My call. The more you are given, the more that I will expect from you. Come to Me out of love, more than out of the fear of hell. I want all of My faithful to have a loving relationship with Me. My adorers of My Blessed Sacrament, are My special souls that I give extra graces. Stay close to Me throughout your life, and you will have My heavenly reward forever.”

July 28, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, this parable of the wheat and tares, is how everyone has to make a decision in all of your actions every day. You have to choose whether you are doing things for Me, or whether you are doing things only for yourself. You see how I allow the good people to grow up with the bad people. You have a choice to be faithful as the wheat, or you can choose to be selfish as the weed. At the judgment it will be like the harvest of souls. I will gather the weeds, or the evil people, and they will be thrown into the flames of hell. I will then separate the wheat of My faithful, and I will gather them into the barn of heaven. I allow My faithful to live among the evil ones, so they can evangelize souls to the faith, for those who desire to love Me. My people are placed on this earth to know, love, and serve Me. This is why saving souls from hell is your most important mission. Pray for all souls to be saved, especially for all of your family members. I give everyone many opportunities in life to be saved. To come to heaven, you must seek the forgiveness of your sins, and show your love for Me and your neighbor in your prayers and good deeds. I read all the intentions in your hearts, and I will reward My faithful in heaven. Trust in My mercy and My justice to give you a fair judgment of your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in the vision another example of man’s pride. Some people boasted about the Titanic: ‘Not even God Himself could sink this ship’. Little did the builders know that the Titanic would sink on its maiden voyage. When man openly defies Me that I could not sink this ship, he is calling down My justice upon this ship. You know the history of the sinking of the Titanic by an iceberg. There is another challenge by the people of America when I allowed the destruction of your Twin Towers in New York City. This was a terrorist attack, but it was planned in advance when your buildings were taken down for a financial profit from the insurance. Your leaders spoke out to rebuild these buildings, but it was in defiance of My judgment that this was done. Even the words are put on the Freedom Tower by your previous President: ‘We remember. We rebuild. We come back stronger.’
Because you built this Freedom Tower in defiance of My judgment, you will see its collapse, as it will be destroyed again.When you openly defy Me as with the Tower of Babel, the Titanic, and the Freedom Tower, you are calling down My judgment upon you. Be prepared for such a destruction of your man-made tower that you have made into an idol. I love your people, but you will be chastised for your abortions and your sexual sins.”

July 29, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision
you are seeing the eyes of the Antichrist that look like the eyes of a serpent. This is what I do not want you to look at, or the Antichrist could mesmerize you to worship him. After six weeks after the Warning, avoid all of your screen devices so you do not look at him or listen to him, because he will control all of the means of communication.When your lives and souls are in danger of being lost, I will call My faithful to come to My refuges. My angels will place an invisible shield over My faithful, and your refuges will be protected from the evil ones, and no harm will come to you, even now at My refuges. Trust in My protection because My angels will protect your souls as well as your bodies. In the Gospel you saw how I multiplied the bread and the fish for the 5,000. So My angels will give you daily Holy Communion, if you do not have a priest. My angels will also multiply your food, water, and fuels at My refuges, but you must pray and accept My gifts with faith that I can do the impossible for you. As more people come to your refuge, My angels will also multiply your buildings, or add floors to your existing buildings, so every person will have their own place.The evil of the tribulation will test you with the evil ones, because this will be your purgatory on earth. But I will be beside you to protect you. Do not fear the evil ones because My power is greater that all of them. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs. St. Anne and I are blessing all of you to protect you on your way home.”

July 30, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, I treat you as a mother because you are all of My creations. This is why I love you so much, and I want you to love Me in return for all I have done for you. In the Book of Jeremiah, Jeremiah showed you how his loincloth rotted, and it was good for nothing. Then I spoke to Jeremiah how Israel would rot from its sins and idol worship. Later, Israel was defeated and carried off to Babylon as a punishment for their offenses. America is also rotting from its abortions, sexual sins, and idol worship of money and pleasures. You are falling into the same sins, and your country is on its way to destruction from natural disasters and the one world people. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges of protection. My faithful will be rewarded in My Era of Peace, but the evil ones will be cast down into the eternal flames of hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, in places where you have electric and power lines hanging on poles, they are vulnerable to heavy storms as tornadoes, lightning, or hurricanes. In the vision you could see such a storm knock down all the power lines. When your power is cut or turned off, it causes a loss of communication, and it could cause your banks to make paper transactions. Your cell towers could also get knocked down, and your cell phones would not work. When you lose your electricity and cell phones, you need some back up generators or batteries to run your equipment. Your people should have some back up plans when you lose your electricity. Having solar power is a good plan. Even if your grid goes down, you can recharge your batteries with sunlight. My refuge builders need to have some solar power, even for some lights and power for your pumps. Trust in Me to provide for your needs through all the seasons, including winter.”

July 31, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing a black spray of a weapon’s grade virus that was being spread over America from the chemtrails. This is being purposely spread by the one world people to reduce the population. This will be another pestilence among your people, so the one world people can control who gets the antidote, or who does not. My people are to come to My refuges of protection when you see people dying from an epidemic virus. When you come to My refuges, you will look upon My luminous cross, and you will be healed of any virus or sickness. My angels will put up shields of protection around My refuges, so no one will be harmed in any way from the evil ones. Trust in My miraculous protection at My refuges. My angels will overpower any threat from the evil ones.”