Quote Originally Posted by Big Red View Post
^^^^This (emphasis mine)

Peak oil is the herd of elephants in the livingroom. Even when the decline becomes inescapable, the MSM and government officials will not speak of it.

I've followed the peak oil phenomenon since 1997, when Scientific American did a cover story about it. I don't expect gas rationing as soon as the Fox News guy. I do expect "rationing by price" as the cost of gasoline rises even higher than it is now. I also expect that, if "that person" is reelected, there will be an effort to give the FSA some sort of break on gasoline, such as a "gasoline stamps" program akin to food stamps.
Increased demand is the other side of peak oil. The fact that China and India are increasing their standard of living by becoming large car markets is one part, other consumer goods also demand oil but food production is a huge contributing factor.

Every unit of domestic meat protein production requires 2-7 units of agricultural production. Put simply its not that a few want cars like us, it's that a lot of folks want to eat like we do.