There is quite a difference between North and South on the issue of profanity. Dh is a ham operator, and hams -- as a general rule -- don't use foul language on the radio. But Dh also enjoys talking with the local folk on CB. That said, you can always tell when skip is coming in from up north or from Florida, because "northerners" don't even realize how foul their language is to Southern ears. You hear the F-word and GD as much as on a Bruce Willis film. It's appalling how filthy their language is. We always just turn the radio off when that starts up. However, if you are in a public place and someone talks like that, there is no escaping it.

I don't know all the details related to the OP, but IF the listener asked the speaker not to talk like that in front of children, and then got chewed out, I can see MAYBE calling the management of the store. I would not call the police. I don't call the police unless there is blood on the ground. If she just OVERHEARD the woman talking like a street tramp, she should have talked to the street tramp about it, not the cops.