Quote Originally Posted by John Johnson View Post
I am a supporter of liberty first, and of Trump second. As of 9 Nov, he is now on the job and we should be doing everything in our power to examine whether Trump is straying from the path he promised us he would take us down as a nation. The actions he takes at this embryonic stage of his administration will shape his entire administration for years to come. He had better get it right.

Do you have nothing to say about the fact that 100% of the Congressmen making up his transition team are firm supporters of the Patriot Act and other surveillance state initiatives? Does this not concern you?

It concerns the hell out of me. The promotion of such people (those that supported and enabled the Patriot Act, NDAA, etc) to positions of increased power and influence within the Trump administration should be a huge concern and red flag to any individual who claims to value and defend our liberties.
Actually he has no actual authority so he really isn't on the job until Jan 20th