Via John Leary (yet to be approved)

September 5, 2018: (Bob Farnand Memorial Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, when I went to St. Matthew, the tax collector’s house, there were many sinners and tax collectors at the supper. Some of the Scribes and Pharisees asked Me why I ate with sinners. Those people, who are well, do not need a doctor, but those people, who are sick, need Me to heal them. It is mercy I desire, and not sacrifices of animals. Since you all inherited Adam’s original sin, then you are all sinners and in need of My forgiveness of your sins. So come to frequent Confession at least once a month, so you can have clean and healed souls. You are all in need of My grace, and a cleansing of sins from your souls. It is better to be a repentant sinner, than a self-righteous person who thinks he is without sin. Bob Farnand is in purgatory and he needs your prayers and Masses.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some damage caused by hurricane Lane in the Hawaiian Islands, and tropical storm Gordon in the Gulf of Mexico. You are also seeing more storms in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, as you are entering the peak of your hurricane season. These are more natural disasters on top of the previous storms and fires. You are also witnessing more 90 F summer days in your area than you normally receive in two or more years. Your weather has been changing all over the world with hotter than expected temperatures. I have mentioned before that warmer temperatures could be coming from a stronger solar wind, as your magnetosphere is losing the strength of its magnetism. Be prepared for more weather extremes that are a punishment for your sins. My refuge builders also need to get their projects done, because their preparation time is running out. Trust in Me that I will provide for your needs during the tribulation.”

Thursday, September 6, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, you have had a long hot and dry summer, so this rain is refreshing your lawns and the farmers’ fields. Just as your ground is refreshed with water, so your souls need to be refreshed with My graces. Many souls are also dry and parched, because they are too weak to come to Mass or Confession. If you are in mortal sin, your soul could even be burning in flames. You need to put out the fire with My grace of forgiveness in Confession. Just as you crave a nice glass of ice cold water on a hot day, so your soul also craves to be satisfied with the grace of My sacraments. Encourage the weak sinners to come to Me so they can be refreshed with My ‘Living Water’. This is the same ‘Living Water’ of the Holy Spirit that I promised the woman at the well in the Gospel. There are many people searching for My peace in their souls, but they have lost their way to seeking Me, their Creator. Pray for these lost sinners to find their way back to Me, and pray that they could open their hearts to receive Me, so I can refresh their souls with My graces and My ‘Living Water’.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I pray that all churches could afford to have a large crucifix placed on the altar. When you have My corpus on the cross, then it is a true crucifix. A cross without My corpus does not convey how much I suffered on My cross. Crosses with a resurrected corpus also do not show My suffering. When you look on My crucifix, this reminds you of how much I love all of you, that I would die for your sins. Give praise and thanks to Me for all I do for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that certain people are paying others to cause a disturbance at this hearing. Judge Bret Kavenaugh has answered most of the questions that did not involve speculative answers. He is a qualified judge, but he is being tested by the committee on many subjects. It will be up to the Senators when they vote on his confirmation. He is filling a vacancy on the Supreme Court. Bless this process that is being seen before everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, Philadelphia is the same place that your forefathers established your Constitution that still governs your country to this day. Your Bill of Rights and the Amendments have established an individual’s freedoms in your country of laws. Many of the discussions of your Supreme Court candidate have focused on how he will interpret the Constitution and uphold today’s precedents in previous proceedings. Give thanks that I have guided your leaders to interpret your laws justly. You still have many decisions and accepted laws that violate My laws. So pray that your evil laws could be changed to follow My laws.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have guided you in your refuge projects, and now you have installed a second solar array that is on the first floor. Your solar charge controller is functioning now for your off grid system that is powering your dehumidifier during the day’s sun. You have tested it for running your water pump, and you will be testing your sump pumps shortly. This was installed so when there is no electricity during the tribulation, you will have power in the winter to run your pumps, once you remove the snow off the panels.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have installed a water well that will supply water to your toilets and sinks. As long as your sewer drains work, you could use your water system. If they back up, then you will need to use your backup outhouse with a hole in the ground. You have done well to provide fuels for heating in the winter, food to eat, water to drink, and beds to sleep on. You have everything in place, but you will need to pray for My multiplication of your food and fuels. My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion, if you do not have a priest. You will continue your perpetual Adoration with My Hosts during your trial. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs. You may want to have one more practice run to test all of your preparations.”

St. Meridia said: “I am St. Meridia and I stand before God in His service. I am proud to be your prayer group angel, and I bless all of you here tonight with My protection. I am also proud to be your refuge angel as well. Even now I am placing a shield of protection over your refuge from any damage. I am reminding you that during the tribulation, only those people who have a cross on their foreheads will be allowed into your refuge. Give thanks to God for all that He is doing to direct me for your protection and guarding your refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, please pray for the safety of your students and teachers from any terrorist or mental people that may try to kill these school people. Pray that their classes will train the students to help them in life. Even if there is no prayer in the schools, you can still pray for the students’ success in their studies. I love all of the children, and I do not want to see any harm come to any of them.”

Friday, September 7, 2018:
Jesus said: “My son, I long to be with you, and all of My people who love Me so much. When you come before Me in Adoration, you appreciate My love for you, and you are giving your time to share your love with Me. When you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, this is your closest taste of heaven that you could have while you are living on earth. I am the One who should be the center of your life at Mass, in your prayers, and at Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Everything you do should be done out of love for Me, as you consecrate yourself and your daily actions up to Me. When you are fully focused on Me, then I can use you to fulfill your intended mission for this life. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you, and I bless all of your actions and intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how the devil has encouraged man to take the discovery of DNA, and make it into GMO products that are not natural food for your bodies to consume. This is what is causing your allergies and ruining your immune systems, which is causing more disease and cancer. It is better to eat organic or natural foods which the body can digest without side effects. You have problems with your artificial medicines that are not natural products either. The more medicines you take, the more chance you have for bad interactions in the body that can cause disease, and harm your liver and kidneys. You may have some cures for certain diseases, but you also can have side effects. When you eat natural food and use natural medicines, there is harmony in your body’s functions, without side effects that could damage your organs. The more you use natural things in your diet, the healthier your body will be, because that is how I created everything in perfect balance and harmony.”

Saturday, September 8, 2018: (Nativity of the Blessed Mother)
Jesus said: “My people, America is a collection of immigrants and the native Indians. Life before electricity and cars was much harder than what you see now. Many of your inventions are dependent on electricity, and various means of transportation. Even your fuels have not changed much for heating your homes. You have moved to natural gas to replace oil, coal, and wood. When you will lose your electric grid in the tribulation, you will need your solar panels and your old fuels of wood, kerosene, and propane. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your physical survival. Your priest or My angels will provide your spiritual survival in My daily Holy Communion. At My refuges you will be living like in the early days without many of your current comforts. Your hot water and air conditioning will be a rarity at most refuges. Learn to live simply with more prayer in your lives, because this will be what it will be like living during the tribulation with angel protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some serious storms bearing down on your East coast, and near Hawaii. I told you that you would see one event after another. Your people need to prepare for some hurricane force winds that could cause a lot of damage. Once you see the place of landfall, people may have to evacuate inland or further away from the storm. Other people will be stocking up on food and batteries. I have been urging people to have food on hand for just such emergencies. Have some lights, solar, or generators for backup power if power lines go down. Call on My help to get you through this hurricane season.”

Sunday, September 9, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many droughts and less rain in some areas. This has caused some dried out lawns, and even the farmers are getting little rain for their crops with hotter weather than normal. In the spiritual realm I am raining down My graces on everyone, but if your heart is not open, then many souls will remain parched. It is the souls who are free of mortal sin, who can accept My graces and prosper in their spiritual lives. You have solar panels, but when the clouds are heavy, you make little electricity. When souls are black, they cannot receive My graces. As I look down on the earth, I see many black souls and a parched earth of evil. My faithful need to share their faith and wake up these parched souls so you can have them seek Me for the forgiveness of their sins. Even among Catholics there are black souls because they are not coming to frequent Confession. Encourage your family and friends to come to Confession. Too many souls are spiritually lazy, and they are not benefitting from My free graces of My sacraments.”

Monday, September 10, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, the Scribes and Pharisees wanted to criticize Me for healing people on the Sabbath. I even asked them if it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath, but they had no response. After I healed the man, they were outraged at My healing, and even more so that I defied their strict interpretation of the Mosaic laws. At times you are called to do good deeds as well, but the devil will always taunt you through people around you. Do not be afraid of any criticism for a good deed, but help your neighbor when he or she is in need. You can also reach out in faith to try and evangelize souls so they can be saved from hell. Such attempts to save souls, will receive even more contempt from Satan, for trying to steal his souls wrapped in sin. Pray for sinners and the souls in purgatory who need your help.”

(Briana Nadine Mass intention) Jesus said: “My people, when you build a house, you need to have funding from savings or a mortgage to be able to buy the lot, and enough money to complete the building. In addition to the mortgage you will need to pay for land taxes, and the utilities. Each person needs to build their house of faith on a solid foundation of the Church, and the rock of St. Peter. I give everyone enough grace to carry out each person’s mission with the talents I have given people. By calling on My help, you can build up your own faith, and you can help build up My Church by evangelizing souls to the faith. Keep praying constantly for all the souls of your family and friends. You have heard how people build their mansions in heaven with the good deeds of their lives. Continue to do good deeds for your neighbors, so you will have the tools and boards for your own mansion.”

For Briana: Jesus said: “Briana needs prayers and Masses since she is in lower purgatory.”
White and Blue light: It represents the white Light of Jesus and His graces, and the blue Light is a lesser light of the Blessed Mother, and all of her prayers for us in the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in most areas you are seeing a decline in Sunday Mass attendance. There has also been a decline in the number of priests, as fewer are becoming ordained. I am encouraging My faithful to continue to come to Sunday Mass, and give good example for your children to come. You also need to encourage your family and friends to pray more, and come to Confession once a month. I am showing you this pew to help you see the need to pray for your priests, your family, and for your country. There are not enough people praying to counter the evil in your country. As you see more violent natural disasters, this may bring you to your knees in prayer. I continue to thank all of My prayer warriors who are the heart of your families. Keep up your rosaries and Holy Hours for My Blessed Mother’s intentions.”

(Twin Tower anniversary 2001)
Jesus said: “My people, in 2001 on this day, you saw the terrorist take down the Twin Towers which represented the wealth of your country. Many people were killed, and still more are dying of cancer from the dust of the towers. Out of your pride, you built the Freedom Tower to defy the terrorists. Your original Twin Towers were destroyed where George Washington consecrated your country to Me. This was a punishment for your abortions and sexual sins. When you rebuilt the Freedom Tower, you did not repent or change your evil ways. Instead, this is a defiance of My judgment on America. So this tower will be taken down also for building it in defiance of Me. In addition to the destruction of this tower, you will be seeing more punishments from natural disasters. Your hurricanes are an example of this destruction. Pray for your country to stop your abortions, and your evil lifestyles, or you will be brought to your knees before Me.”

Wednesday, September 12, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, recently I mentioned to you how America needs to stop its abortions, and your sinful lifestyles, or you will be brought to your knees through natural disasters. There is a message in the fact that you are seeing three storms all at once about to come ashore in three areas of your country. You have the large Hurricane Florence about to cause damage on your Eastern coast. You are seeing a tropical storm Olivia about to hit Hawaii after Hurricane Lane. You also have a storm in the Gulf of Mexico about to hit Texas on the coast. This is not coincidental, but it emphasizes how I am bringing My punishment upon America for your pride to be humbled, for your sexual sins, and for your abuse of My babies in abortion. I told you if you did not stop your abortions, I would stop them with My punishments. I call on your people to repent of your sins and come to Confession so I can forgive you, and absolve your sins. Change your bad lifestyles into one acceptable to My laws. If you do this, you will be blessed, but if you do not, then I will bring you to your knees. I am offering you the blessing or the curse. It is up to you to choose the right way to love Me and love your neighbor.”

Thursday, September 13, 2018: (St. John Chrysostom)
Jesus said: “My people, all the things in the world that you consider as valuable, are as nothing to Me. What is valuable to Me, are the souls of all the people who I want to save from hell, and to love Me. I do not force My love on you, but I want you to choose to love Me of your own free will. I am all love, and I love the good and bad souls. In today’s Gospel I want My people to imitate My love by loving both your friends, and your enemies as well. I want you to pray for your friends and your enemies. You are still believing in an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I am asking you to help your friends and your enemies. I call you to evangelize all souls who are open to your word. You all are sinners, and you all need conversion to My laws. Your mission is to help save all souls, both the good and the bad. So reach out to help everyone, no matter what they have done in the past. My grace and My rain falls down on the good and the bad, and it is those who repent and accept Me in love, who will be saved from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, yesterday you experienced a power outage for a few hours when a car crashed into a pole carrying electric lines. You had a little problem with the garage door opener, but your power came back after you returned from the restaurant, so you had lights at night. With the hurricane coming ashore, the winds and flooding could cause many power outages for a long time. (800,000 without power at the height of the storm) You were praying your Divine Mercy Chaplet for any souls that could die. With a lot of rain, it will be hard to find a dry shelter, and there could be no power for pumps, lights, or air conditioners. You could see food and water shortages with no refrigeration, and the power lines not working. Pray for the people who will find it hard to provide food and water. If possible, you could donate money to help people restore their lives back to normal. The people in the rest of your country need to come to the aid of the storm victims where they can help. I will bless all of your efforts to help the storm victims.”

Friday, September 14, 2018: (Exaltation of the Holy Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, this day you are celebrating My feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. In My day I was crucified on the cross as a common criminal, but I committed no sin. Some people may think this is a failure of My mission, but they did not understand that My death on the cross was My victory over sin and death. My death was a supreme sacrifice of My Body and Blood that is given up for all the souls of mankind. It is My Blood that washes away your original sin at Baptism, and My Blood washes away your actual sins in Confession. My crucifixion is outside of time, so you can join your pains and troubles with My pain on the cross. You are blessed to have a relic of My true cross that you have used to pray over people, especially over some possessed people. Do not have fear of the evil one, but trust in faith that I can heal even possessed people. Pray deliverance prayers over addicts so they can be healed of their demons. Pray the long form of the St. Michael prayer to heal all of your family members, and make a cross with holy water on their pictures. Trust in faith that I can heal those people who you are praying over. If the person to be healed believes that I can heal him, then that person can be healed. Pray today for all the victims of your current hurricane. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for those who will die from this storm, and for all those people who will die today. Those people who believe in My saving death on the cross, will have eternal life with Me in heaven. Repent of your sins, and accept Me as your Savior.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My Holy Cross, and you are seeing a prefigure of My Holy Cross in the first reading when Moses lifted up the bronze serpent on a pole. When people who had been bitten by the seraph serpents looked on the bronze serpent, they were healed. People who look upon My Holy Cross and confess their sins in Confession are also healed in their souls. At the time of the tribulation My faithful will be called to My refuges of protection from the evil ones. My angels will protect you with invisible shields. Those faithful, who have a cross on their foreheads by My angels, will be allowed to enter My refuges. When you enter, you will see a luminous cross in the sky. When you look upon it, you will be healed of all of your ailments, and your souls will be cleansed as well. All of My faithful, who take up their daily crosses and follow My ways, are on a path to eternal life in heaven. Give praise and thanks to your Savior for dying on the cross to save you from your sins.”

Saturday, September 15, 2018: (Our Lady of Sorrows)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you have seen many of my statues that are weeping, because I see some of my children suffering. You, my son, carry the oil of my tears from Maureen’s house, and you see its healing power. Right now my eyes are tearing again because my children are suffering from Hurricane Florence in North and South Carolina. When you are praying your rosaries, make these suffering people one of your intentions. You have read of my seven sorrows, as when Simeon told me a sword would pierce my heart. I also suffered when my Son, Jesus, was lost and found in the temple at twelve years old. I suffered watching Jesus carrying His cross, and when He died, I held Him in my hands at the foot of the cross. My children will also see sorrows in your lives, but I have suffered before you, so call on My help to comfort you and support you through all of your troubles. When you pray your rosaries, I hear your intentions, and I give them over to my Son, Jesus. Trust in me that all of your prayers are heard in heaven, and we will watch over you and protect you. We will provide all that you need, and you only have to be faithful to Jesus and all of His laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing the devastating damage caused by Hurricane Florence. You have seen some deaths, many power outages, and considerable flooding in North and South Carolina. This is causing major damage that has not been seen in this area in decades. You had three major hurricanes last year, and this year you are seeing Hurricane Florence, tropical storm Gordon, and Hurricane Lane all strike America. You could still face more storms this year. Not only are you facing warmer temperatures this summer, but the heat is causing more severe storms. Pray for all of your storm victims, and that flooding will be minimized. Your State and Federal governments will now have to provide aid to get power back, and clear any damage. If your churches call for aid to the storm victims, you could make a donation to help these people. Trust in My help and keep praying for all of those affected by this storm.”

Sunday, September 16, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you heard My identity given by St. Peter when he said: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I commended St. Peter for his faith that was given to him by the Holy Spirit. I then told My apostles that I would be crucified, and I would die to save the people from their sins. St. Peter did not want Me to die. I told him: ‘Get behind Me, Satan, because it is man’s desire for Me not to die, but it is God the Father’s plan for the salvation of mankind that I die for your sins. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you must be free of mortal sin. If you receive Me in mortal sin, you commit another mortal sin of sacrilege. If you have mortal sin, you must come quickly to Confession so you can be restored in My graces. Before you receive Me, I ask that you pray a sincere Act of Contrition, so you can cleanse any venial sins. This prayer does not cleanse mortal sin, but you need Confession to cleanse mortal sin. In the second reading you heard that faith without works is dead. If you have true love of Me and believe in Me, you will love your neighbor by helping them with good works. Such works are a sign of your love for Me in your neighbor. So reach out to provide for your neighbor’s physical needs, and share your faith evangelizing your neighbor’s spiritual needs. I love all of My people, and I desire to save all souls. It is your free will decision to love Me and your neighbor. Those people, who repent of their sins, and do good works for their neighbor, will be welcomed into eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Monday, September 17, 2018: (St. Robert Bellarmine)
Jesus said: “My people, all of heaven is watching your every action, as you are all on the stage of life. If you profess to be a Christian, you need to show it in your actions every day. I love all of you, and I desire that you love Me and your neighbor. Each day you need to consecrate everything and all of your actions up to Me. You need to make some quiet time for Me in your day, so you can pray to Me and give Me your petitions. If you can come to daily Mass, then I can share My love intimately with your soul in Holy Communion. If you make time for Me in Adoration, again I can share My love with you, and you loving Me. I need to be the center of your life, and you need to make every action a means of following My Will for you. Trust in Me to direct your lives in following your mission on earth. I give you your talents and the graces to carry out your mission. So walk in My footsteps as you imitate My actions on earth. Learn from My Scriptures so you can do the right things without offending Me in your sins. I bless you all day, as you are called to evangelize souls to help save them from hell. I will forgive your sins when you repent and ask My forgiveness. When My faithful come to their judgment, I will say well done, enter into My heavenly court where you will take your place among My angels and saints.”

Jesus said: “My people, now that Hurricane Florence is gone, the people of North and South Carolina are dealing with floods from record flood stage on their rivers. Many of these people, who have water damage, do not have flood insurance. You are also seeing an increasing death toll from many flood incidents. Continue to pray your Divine Mercy Chaplets for those victims who have died. Pray also for the flood victims who will have to rebuild their water damaged homes from their own pockets with little Federal aid. It may be difficult to get food, water, and other donations to the people who need them. Pray for these victims that they will receive the needs for their survival, and repairs to their homes. Your people need to understand the connection between your sins, and these natural disasters as your punishment.”

Tuesday, September 18, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you saw Me touch the dead man, and I said: ‘Arise’, and he came back to life with the power of Myself and the Holy Spirit. There is also a healing of a dead soul in mortal sin that can be brought back to life by absolution in Confession. I must tell you that I am looking at many dead or black souls on earth, and they are all in need of My forgiveness in Confession. In the vision you are seeing people drinking My ‘living water’ when they accept the Holy Spirit in My sacrament of Holy Communion. My people need to come to Confession at least once a month, or sooner if you are in mortal sin. You do not want to risk loss to hell if you are called to your judgment in mortal sin. You also want to be reunited in My love by confessing your sins and seeking My forgiveness. With a clean soul you are now worthy of receiving Me in Holy Communion. Keep close to Me in My sacraments, and take advantage of any opportunity to confess your sins to My priest sons. I love all of you, and I want to see you in a pure white soul.”

Wednesday, September 19, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, years ago My Blessed Mother gave a message after World War I. She said if the people do not pray the rosary and change their evil lifestyles, an unknown light will be seen in the sky, as a sign of another war as World War II that is about to happen. With this vision of a ball of light in the sky, the people on earth are being given another choice to pray the rosary and change their lives, or they will see such a light in the sky to signal the beginning of World War III. Do not take this message lightly, since My justice is about to come over the earth, because of man’s sins, and how fewer people are worshiping Me on Sunday. You will see a war that will kill many people, and My faithful will need to seek the safety of My refuges. Keep praying your rosaries to lessen the severity of this war, so fewer people will die.”

Thursday, September 20, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, you have plenty of food and enough money to live comfortably for most people in America. You can see many needs for help in North and South Carolina, as well as in Puerto Rico. There are also many poor countries in need of food and donations as well as your own country. You have several groups you could give donations to help areas without enough food. You can even donate to your local food shelves to help your neighbors in need. There are also spiritually needy people who need prayers, and even sharing your faith to bring them closer to Me, so I can feed them with My graces. Where possible you could encourage relatives and people to come to Confession so they could clean their souls and change any sinful lifestyles. You have so much sin around you, and these people need your prayers and spiritual encouragement in the faith. Give your good example to those around you.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more politics and accusations going on with your latest Presidential nominee for the Supreme Court. You will see the accuser have her day in court, and the Senate will take a vote on any testimony.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are living in an armed camp where several nations have nuclear weapons. I continue to request your prayers for peace in the world. There are dangerous moves in the Middle East that could trigger a World War III. By keeping negotiations going between your warring states, you can keep relations calm without a world war. Several people have had visions or messages of a world war, which is possible. Using nuclear weapons cannot win a war, but you are risking the loss of many lives. Pray that such a war does not happen.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing several communist states that are using totalitarian control to force atheism on the people. This communist control over some countries is a purge of My people who live in these countries, as they are persecuted for their faith. Pray that such atheistic communism does not take over your country or any other country.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard reports that church attendance on Sunday in Canada is a lot worse than in America. This number of church attendees is a fair measure of how faithful a country is to Me. Canada has been losing attendance to church over a period of years with a more rapid decrease than America. This is another reason to pray for a firm faith in your country, because it is very difficult to stop the current trend. You have heard Me say: ‘Will I find any faith on the earth when I return?’ There is a great battle for souls going on, so pray for your families to live a good Christian life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to have souls who will leave themselves open to My love. If you have an open mind to accept My love into your hearts, you have a chance to be saved from your sins. It is those souls, who have closed their souls completely to My love, that are on a path to hell. Without even a small opening, it is very difficult for a soul to come to Me with no love in their heart. Keep praying for the conversion of sinners, and pray for My grace to open the cold hearts, so they will have a chance to be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, your candidates have many different stands on what they believe. You all can express your free will in choosing your candidates. I have urged you in the past to vote for those people who hold life as precious at all ages. When your people have spoken in your votes, it is proper that their wishes should be carried out, and not overruled by your media. Pray for your country that you can follow My ways and not man’s evil ways.”

Jesus said: “My people, families today should be praying together now more than ever. The devil is attacking your children through drugs, vaping, and pornography. Parents should communicate with their children, so they know what they are being taught in school, and what kind of friends they have. Children need a good faith formation early with an emphasis on Sunday Mass, daily prayer, and monthly Confession. You are seeing fewer young people in church because the parents and your society are not doing their job. Pray for your children and consecrate them to My Blessed Mother to watch over them.”

Friday, September 21, 2018: (St. Matthew)
Jesus said: “My people, I called Levi, the tax collector to follow Me, and he left his place of collection immediately to follow Me. That night I went to his house for dinner. While I was there, the Pharisees criticized Me for eating with sinners. I told them that the sick need a physician, and I came to save sinners and not the self-righteous. I am calling all of My faithful not to judge people, because I am the only One to judge people, since I know everyone’s faults. Just as I called Levi to follow Me as Matthew, so I call all the people to follow My ways as well. When you become My disciple, you need to count the cost of giving up your old sinful habits, and make a new life with Me. I teach you how to love Me and to love your neighbor as yourself. Not everyone will desire to follow My way of life in the Spirit, which means giving up your will over to My Will. Some people are selfish, and they want to be in full control of their lives. If you love Me and accept Me as your Savior, then you will pick up your cross and carry it through the rest of your life. It was not easy for St. Matthew to give up everything to follow Me in faith. But this is what I call all of My faithful to do for love of Me. Trust that I will lead you on the right path to heaven.”