"I was having breakfast 20 years ago with Frank, a friend of mine. Frank is a scholar of antiquity, we talked of many a subject, including evolution and scientific progress. I had read some Nietzsche, at the same time I read Darwin, and I always wondered why Nietzsche hated Christianity so much, had so much contempt for Christian notions of compassion. Then an idea crept into my head, so horrible it was unimaginable:So called scientific progress had been combined with Christian notions of compassion in our recent European history of the past several hundred years. Raised in a Christian home, I was quite aware of the central place of compassion in the Christian lexicon. I thought it an undeniably good thing, with no downside. We were meant to be compassionate, right? It even fitted into Darwinian natural selection: all higher mammals display caring for their offspring, it helps them survive. So obviously incorporating this into a religion was an undiluted good, right?Wrong.Nietzsche was justified in being suspicious of compassion. I stared down at my small white coffee cup, tinkled the side with my teaspoon and it occurred to me. I looked up at Frank and said, "Maybe Nietzsche was right. Compassion is bad. Christians invented science, invented medicine and the modern world a few centuries ago. This allowed many of the people who in times past would have died, to live. Mutants..... They should have died. Perhaps mutants lived and are creating havoc in the world. Christianity combined with science, it may be a bad idea, because it combines compassion with the ability to let those who should naturally die, to live."Frank said, "Of course that's right."Fast forward to today, I sit here pecking away at my keyboard listening to talk of "Gender Dysphoria".. Radical Feminism, Marxism, Queer Theory, the people who push this are often the same crowd who openly push for the genocide of white people. In other word, Identity Politics. Radical left ideology. The Regressive Left Agenda.....The pond from whence AOC sprang. The breeding ground of the people now taking over the Democratic Party and will run against President Trump. I haven't yet gone full Alex Jones. The frogs may not necessarily be gay, but they sure are strange. What sort of humans push this far-left cocktail of bad ideas? Mutants. As Frank would say, "Of course that's right."Of course they are mutants. I was right in my original suspicion. The far-left culture is home to the mutants among us. We have mutants among us, with mutant ideas, trying to destroy us. This speaks to our political future in America: The future is a war between mutants and "normies".
