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Thread: Donald Trump, the "last trump" ?

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  1. #1
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    Apr 2017


    Guess what Trump did just now...

    He used the White House to glorify and promote an antichrist pagan religion!

    The First Lady and I send our warmest wishes to all those celebrating Diwali this week.

    Obviously, there is no Biblically righteous Aryan European Christian leader who has the will, ability and courage to stand up for God's Aryan European Christian people. That is why the evil antichrist Edomite-jew/nwo has been able to shatter the power of Aryan European Christendom [Daniel 12]... and the evil antichrist Edomite-jew RED dragon has been allowed to make war against the remnant of Aryan European Christendom's seed who keep God's commandments and have the testimony of Jesus Christ [Rev 12.]

  2. #2
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    Apr 2017


    Ironically, Trump's pagan Diwali is supposed to celebrate light over darkness - knowledge over ignorance - good over evil.

    But when God's Aryan European Christian people turn away from God's Biblical Truth, they are destroyed by their lack of knowledge and understanding of what is "good" and what is "evil" !

    Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
    Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness;
    Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

    Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes
    And clever in their own sight!

    Isaiah 5:20-21

  3. #3
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    Apr 2017


    Kamala Harris was raised Hindu because her mother was Hindu.

    Was glorifying Hindu Diwali Trump's covert way of sending "warmest wishes" and "joyous celebration and prosperous new beginnings" to her ?!

    Last edited by KingsX; 11-14-2020 at 06:29 PM.

  4. #4
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    Apr 2017


    In the OT, Josiah was king of Judah when sodomites desecrated Solomon's temple. Later, King Josiah gave money for general repairs to the temple. During those repairs, a lost book containing God's laws was discovered and taken to the king. King Josiah was horrified his kingdom was living in lawless sinful rebellion and realized God's sword of doom was hovering over them. King Josiah repented and tried to make righteous reforms [he got rid of the sodomites.] King Josiah also sought the word of God from a prophetess who told him that God had already judged and decreed the total destruction of the kingdom. But since King Josiah had repented, he would not witness the terrible destruction of his kingdom.

    The irony is... King Josiah died from a battle wound while attacking Egyptian troops who were crossing Judah to fight alongside Assyria against Babylon. Babylon conquered Assyria, then conquered and took captive surrounding nations, including Judah. Babylon became the wealthy evil empire that oppressed that entire region for 70 years during which Babylon moved massive amounts of diverse people from their homelands into different parts of Babylon's empire and into the city of Babylon itself.

    It was during that time that Ezekiel was God's prophet to an obstinate sinful rebellious Aryan Israel. Ezekiel had already been deported into Babylonian captivity... as were many Aryan Israelites... when Babylon/Edom destroyed Jerusalem and the temple.

    In the OT God predestined the temple in Jerusalem for destruction after sinful rebellious Aryan Israel allowed sodomites to desecrate the temple. Today sinful rebellious Aryan Israelites repeat the offense by embracing the sodomite 'abomination that makes desolate' and blaspheming God by welcoming the sodomite abomination into their churches!

    Revelation prophecy symbolically calls the end of the age global evil empire, "Babylon." This global evil 'Babylonian' antichrist Edomite-jew/nwo enemy knows Aryan European Christians are God's literal 'people of the book' [Israelites], even if God's own people don't. Per the NT, God's people, Aryan European Christian Israel, are the living stones in God's Temple made without hands... which explains why God's Aryan European race and Aryan European churches are being targeted for destruction by the evil antichrist 'Babylonian' Edomite-jew/nwo 'dragon' [Daniel 12:17 and Rev 12:7.]

  5. #5
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    Apr 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by KingsX View Post

    Revelation prophecy symbolically calls the end of the age global evil empire, "Babylon." This global evil 'Babylonian' antichrist Edomite-jew/nwo enemy knows Aryan European Christians are God's literal 'people of the book' [Israelites], even if God's own people don't. Per the NT, God's people, Aryan European Christian Israel, are the living stones in God's Temple made without hands... which explains why God's Aryan European race and Aryan European churches are being targeted for destruction by the evil antichrist 'Babylonian' Edomite-jew/nwo 'dragon' [Daniel 12:17 and Rev 12:7.]


    Daniel 12:7 and Rev 12:17

  6. #6
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    Apr 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by KingsX View Post

    In the OT God predestined the temple in Jerusalem for destruction after sinful rebellious Aryan Israel allowed sodomites to desecrate the temple. Today sinful rebellious Aryan Israelites repeat the offense by embracing the sodomite 'abomination that makes desolate' and blaspheming God by welcoming the sodomite abomination into their churches!

    Sodomite activist compares evil sodomites to Jesus and wants Biblical Christians that teach homosexuality is sinful prosecuted for hate speech !!

    LGBT Activist Compares Christians Who Don't Accept Homosexuality to 'Rapists', 'Holocaust Deniers'

    21 Nov 2020

    LGBT activist Jayne Ozanne has compared biblical Christians to "rapists" and "Holocaust deniers" for failing to preach the morality of homosexual sex.

    In a recent article for Pink News, Ozanne, director of the UK-based Ozanne Foundation and General Synod member, blasted the Church of England for upholding Christian teaching on marriage and sexuality in its recent publication of a set of resources titled Living in Love and Faith.

    Supposedly a British evangelical Anglican, Ozanne works with religious organisations around the world in an effort to persuade them to update their moral teachings to accommodate LGBT sexual lifestyles.

    Unlike the soldiers who crucified Jesus, church leaders know they are "wounding and hurting" LGBT people by propagating biblical sexual morality, Ozanne writes, and thus Jesus' prayer - "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do" - does not apply to them.

    "Personally, I believe that it is completely different," she states. "Indeed, I think it is immoral, inexcusable, and cowardly."

    The Anglican Church's invitation to LGBT people to dialogue with Church leaders is also unacceptable, Ozanne insists.

    "Would one invite a survivor of the Holocaust to sit down and listen to the rantings of a Holocaust denier?" she asks...

    ... Ozanne suggests that Christians who do not celebrate gay sex should be prosecuted for hate speech and notions of religious liberty should not allow churches to teach that sodomy is sinful.

    more about the evil disgusting sodomite abomination at link

  7. #7
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    Apr 2017


    Days of Noah = Genesis 6:5

    Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was altogether evil all the time.

    Days of Lot = Genesis 19:13

    For we are about to destroy this place, because the outcry against its people has become great before the LORD, and the LORD has sent us to destroy it.

    In Luke 17:26-30, Jesus compares the evil end of the age to both the evil "days of Noah" and evil "days of Lot" [Lot lived in Sodom.]

    In both of those Biblical examples, evildoers had passed the point of no return and God intervened to destroy them.

    Then Jesus compares His second coming to the fire that destroyed Sodom!

    But on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all.

    So will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed.

    Luke 17:29-30

    In the "days of Noah" society had degenerated and race-mixed past the point of no return. God destroyed all but a remnant via a flood. God gave Noah a rainbow as a sign promising that God would never again destroy by water.

    In the "days of Lot" Sodom's perverted society had degenerated past the point of no return. God destroyed all but a remnant via fire from heaven.

    Over and over the Bible says the evil end of the age is destroyed by fire. So it is quite ironic that sodomites have now usurped and perverted God's rainbow sign.

    The watery green/blue/purple colors of the rainbow symbolize the "days of Noah"...

    the fiery yellow/orange/red colors symbolize the "days of Lot" !!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Dear Saints

    Maybe this dream makes more sense today then back then.
    I first posted this dream back on 10-07-2009 Watchman’s Cry
    The dream took place in Oct.2008 before the Obama election.

    Dream begins with me standing at the edge of a high cliff over looking the water. There was a dark cloud of evil and a storm brewing behind me, I had no where to go except over the edge of the cliff and maybe survive the fall in the water below. I tried to jump far out as I could to land in deeper water to survive the fall with my feet first and my hands up over my head, I hit the water below sinking deeper and deeper it seem like a long time before hitting the bottom. I pushed hard with my feet off the bottom toward the surface of the water, on the way up I needed air in my lungs, I cried out Lord help me I don't want to drown as I reached the top water I heard the Lord say 45, end of dream.

    Will Trump be the last president of the United States? Well I guess I could say yes if the number 45 stands for Trump in this over the cliff dream, because I was never shown another number like 46 so is that it???????

    How many years was Israel in bondage? 400 year to the day of their Exodus out of Egypt if true?
    How many years has America existed till now? 1620 to 2020 = 400 years is this a coincidence?
    Does this mean the End of America as we now know it? Starting Nov 3rd 2020?
    Was the election the end to our Republic and the beginning of the Great Reset to a NWO?
    Over the cliff does this mean no more Stock Market after a Jan. 2021 Great Reset?

    Also on Sept 29th 2008 the stock market fell 777.68 points, in a still small voice the Lord said this is of me. Check out all the 7’s below. The article below is by others.
    God Bless

    President Donald Trump has lost the US election 2020 against Democrat rival Joe Biden but clings on to hope, urging states to recount their ballots. As the President launches legal bids to overturn the results, citing electoral fraud without offering any solid evidence, his efforts are being supported by America’s evangelical community. Millions of people appeared at the polls on November 3 and many cast mail-in ballots, which was still not enough to win Mr. Trump a second term in the White House. In September this year, evangelist John Hagee told his followers to cast their ballot for “the Bible“.And although he did not name President Trump directly, the implication was there – the Republican candidate is the pro-life, pro-Christ choice.Pastor Hagee said: “Take America back from the god of socialism that now threatens the very survival of this nation.”It comes, therefore, as no surprise that many believe President Trump is somehow fulfilling God’s will on Earth.One person said on Twitter: “Everything happens for a reason. Trump is a Christian by the way.“No one is perfect we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.“God is using Donald Trump. His read the Bible about the end times in prophecy.”Another person said: “You really don’t know anything about the Bible at all! No one gets to be POTUS unless God has ordained it!“President Trump has been fulfilling Bible prophecy – recognizing Jerusalem as capital, Abraham accords. Educate yourself, stop spouting garbage and lies!”Then, on his first day in office, President Trump was 70 years, seven months and seven days old.The US President was also elected on the seventh year of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu being in office.And 70 years after Israel’s birth, President Trump controversially acknowledged Jerusalem as the nation’s capital.This move was linked to a prophecy in Jeremiah 25:12, which reads: “When the seventy years are completed, that I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation.”Mr. Aquila said: “Exactly seven months after Trump’s first full day in office, there was a total solar eclipse over the US continent, a path that was exclusively in the US that has not happened since 1776, the year recognizing the US Declaration of Independence.Trumps birthday is June 14, 1946, which occurred also on a Blood Moon and the midpoint of his first term, January 20, 2019, was also on a Blood Moon.“Interestingly, Forbes Magazine ranked Trump the 777th riches person in the world.”Mr. Aquila, the author of the book Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere, went on to say the “astronomical signs are beyond coincidences”.He added: “God is the ruler of the kingdom of men and has used those imperfect men to fulfil ninety percent of the 1,817 prophesies already fulfilled in the Bible.“We are living in a time when ten percent of the remaining prophesies are being fulfilled before our eyes.”


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