Quote Originally Posted by KingsX View Post

In the OT God predestined the temple in Jerusalem for destruction after sinful rebellious Aryan Israel allowed sodomites to desecrate the temple. Today sinful rebellious Aryan Israelites repeat the offense by embracing the sodomite 'abomination that makes desolate' and blaspheming God by welcoming the sodomite abomination into their churches!

Sodomite activist compares evil sodomites to Jesus and wants Biblical Christians that teach homosexuality is sinful prosecuted for hate speech !!

LGBT Activist Compares Christians Who Don't Accept Homosexuality to 'Rapists', 'Holocaust Deniers'

21 Nov 2020

LGBT activist Jayne Ozanne has compared biblical Christians to "rapists" and "Holocaust deniers" for failing to preach the morality of homosexual sex.

In a recent article for Pink News, Ozanne, director of the UK-based Ozanne Foundation and General Synod member, blasted the Church of England for upholding Christian teaching on marriage and sexuality in its recent publication of a set of resources titled Living in Love and Faith.

Supposedly a British evangelical Anglican, Ozanne works with religious organisations around the world in an effort to persuade them to update their moral teachings to accommodate LGBT sexual lifestyles.

Unlike the soldiers who crucified Jesus, church leaders know they are "wounding and hurting" LGBT people by propagating biblical sexual morality, Ozanne writes, and thus Jesus' prayer - "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do" - does not apply to them.

"Personally, I believe that it is completely different," she states. "Indeed, I think it is immoral, inexcusable, and cowardly."

The Anglican Church's invitation to LGBT people to dialogue with Church leaders is also unacceptable, Ozanne insists.

"Would one invite a survivor of the Holocaust to sit down and listen to the rantings of a Holocaust denier?" she asks...

... Ozanne suggests that Christians who do not celebrate gay sex should be prosecuted for hate speech and notions of religious liberty should not allow churches to teach that sodomy is sinful.

more about the evil disgusting sodomite abomination at link
