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Thread: Medical Experimentation and Collective Punishment Are War Crimes

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    Default Medical Experimentation and Collective Punishment Are War Crimes

    September 13, 2021
    Medical Experimentation and Collective Punishment Are War Crimes

    By J.B. Shurk

    Fake President but Real Dictator Joe Biden: "We are going to protect the vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers." Ah, if only the "vaccinated" workers had as healthy immune systems as their unvaccinated colleagues. Whatever the friendly U.S. government is injecting into people, it's certainly not inoculating against or inhibiting transmission of the Fauci Virus if the "vaccinated" must walk around in bubble-boy suits for the rest of their lives. The "vaccine" that works so nice you have to take it,, we'll let you know when you've had enough, prole!

    Before "hope and change" replaced the Scientific Method, not only did the medical community know the difference between males and females, but also vaccinations actually conferred immunity. Is there some unwritten rule that we must endure fake vaccinations during fake presidencies? I know we live in a time when the political left redefines words daily to fit its desired propaganda objectives, but if "vaccine" now means nothing more than "an injection that may or may not prevent illness so long as the subject remains in sterilized environments and wrapped in protective headwear," then that's hardly different from defining "bulletproof vest" as "a garment that may or may not prevent bodily harm, so long as the wearer curls up in the fetal position and hides from danger." Now that Americans are being threatened with economic destruction unless they let Uncle Sam slap on some rubber gloves and play doctor, I think we know where this bowdlerization of medical terminology is naturally heading: "Vaccination, noun: The choice between letting the lying liars who run the U.S. government pump your an experimental serum into your veins or being forced into unemployment, homelessness, and starvation; also, Vaccinate, verb, a profane expletive for fornication, as in, 'The pudding-brained Pretender-in-Chief sure vaccinated me this time!'"

    As long as we're considering technical definitions, maybe it's time to consult long-standing international agreements on the protection of human rights and the prosecution of war crimes. As its first stated principle outlining the bare minimum required of medical professionals "to satisfy moral, ethical, and legal" duties, the 1947 Nuremberg Code states clearly:
    The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

    Let's put aside whether, in their rush to "vaccinate" the world, medical bureaucrats have sufficiently "enlightened" patients as to all the health hazards that might be reasonably expected to come from an experimental treatment because the usual long-term studies that track potentially harmful side-effects of new treatments over the course of ten or more years were thrown out the window so governments could quickly jab their citizens without much scrutiny. Long-term harm? Only the future will tell.

    Rather, let's highlight what the Nuremberg Code says about consent: it must be free from "force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion." Does this set off any alarm bells for ethicists concerned about not following in the footsteps of Nazi medical science or treating civilians as guinea pigs for experimental research? Is it possible that Herr Biden's angry threats against healthy citizens for not partaking in his medical research might amount to "duress" or "coercion"? Let's see — jab this in your arm, or we will fire you, render you unemployable, threaten the financial survival of you and your family, and maybe leave you destitute and homeless. Ding, ding, ding! Talk about "overreach"! Surely, threatening people with economic destruction if they won't submit to medical experimentation is the exact kind of government "force" (or mandate) the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg was trying to prevent in the future. Surely, "vaccine" mandates explicitly designed to outlaw "freedom or personal choice" should be scrutinized with an eye open to the human atrocities of the past. Yet here we are, seventy-five years later, and medical experimentation is back in style. Maybe the New World Order the globalists keep forcing down our throats is once again written in German, even if "President" Dummkopf speaks only gibberish.

    Not only is the right to avoid the imposition of human experimentation protected by the Nuremberg Code (principles adopted by the Food and Drug Administration in its own agency regulations), but also "collective punishment" more generally is still a war crime under the Geneva Conventions! The Fourth Geneva Convention explicitly states, "Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited." The 1977 Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions ensure that real or threatened collective punishments are crimes against humanity "at any time and in any place whatsoever." But what do we have coming out of the White House today? Out of anger and malice, the Delaware Führer has targeted unvaccinated citizens without any regard as to whether they might individually have natural immunity or have gained immunity from having already been infected with the Fauci Virus. Instead, D.F.'s vaccine mandates are structured to punish an entire class of Americans who have the temerity to believe that adults should be able to make personal decisions about their own health. Because racial minorities make up a larger share of this unvaccinated class, collectively punishing the unvaccinated has the obvious effect of disparately punishing non-white Americans for the "crime" of deciding for themselves what should be injected into their bodies. If we still had a working Constitution, some might call that an obvious denial of equal protection under the law. Regardless, if threatening the livelihoods of a group of people for refusing to submit to forced government injections of an experimental treatment doesn't constitute "collective punishment" and a crime against humanity, then the door to future war crimes is wide open.

    Maybe one day when all the woke fascism around us is finally repudiated, we can convene a special tribunal to sort through this whole mess, provide due process to all the accused, and then vaccinate the lot of them.
    ”The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” - Margaret Thatcher

  2. #2
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    Jan 2021


    If they started a "tribunal" to "investigate" it would be no different than the ones that covered up
    the Pearl Harbor thing, Kennedy assassination, 9/11, etc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Considering how they are "scrubbing"the net, might be a good idea to copy this.

    Nuremberg Code

    1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

    This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

    The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

    2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.

    3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.

    4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.

    5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.

    6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.

    7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.

    8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.

    9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.

    10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probably cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.
    You can thank me later

  4. #4
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    Nov 2009
    Fly-over country


    Quote Originally Posted by Achilles View Post
    Ah, if only the "vaccinated" workers had as healthy immune systems as their unvaccinated colleagues.
    Based on hospital admissions and death rates the vaccinated would appear to have more healthy immune systems than the unvaccinated.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Green Man View Post
    Based on hospital admissions and death rates the vaccinated would appear to have more healthy immune systems than the unvaccinated.
    Interesting seeing all the health care workers fleeing their jobs right now. If the 'vaccine' worked, why is everyone worried about those who refuse? You guys are hosed, can only imagine the long term effect of your gene therapy.
    "The one who says he stays in Him is indebted to walk, even as He walked." 1Jn 2:6

    Without Torah, His walk is impossible - it's Rome's walk without Torah.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Green Man View Post
    Based on hospital admissions and death rates the vaccinated would appear to have more healthy immune systems than the unvaccinated.
    So true. It is just those far right extreme web sites that can't stand the truth so they have to make them up themselves and flood the net with them even if they know it is bs. But they can't stand the truth at all.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoppalong View Post
    But they can't stand the truth at all.
    Indeed, some hate the truth. You poor sheep.
    "The one who says he stays in Him is indebted to walk, even as He walked." 1Jn 2:6

    Without Torah, His walk is impossible - it's Rome's walk without Torah.

  8. #8
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    Jefferson Republic


    Quote Originally Posted by Green Man View Post
    Based on hospital admissions and death rates the vaccinated would appear to have more healthy immune systems than the unvaccinated.

    You mean the "PROPOGANDA" being spewed by the MSM..

    If Vaccine works why is the Postal office workers exempt from this DICTORIAL mandate?

    If Vaccine works why is all White House staff exempt from this DICTORIAL mandate?

    If Vaccine works why is all Congress and staff exempt from this DICTORIAL mandate?

    If Vaccine works why is the Vaccinated being required to wear mask.

    According to your Queen Harris, the mask are to protect the vaccinated!!

    Wait I thought the Vaccine work!!

    After all your KING BIDEN stated "if you get VACCINATED you won't catch COVID"..

    One of many lies you ignore, when your DICTATOR speaks.

  9. #9
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    Aug 2009
    Jefferson Republic


    Quote Originally Posted by Hoppalong View Post
    So true. It is just those far right extreme web sites that can't stand the truth so they have to make them up themselves and flood the net with them even if they know it is bs. But they can't stand the truth at all.
    I see your another conformist!!

    Another earning the pay well..

    If Vaccine works why is the Postal office workers exempt from this DICTORIAL mandate?

    If Vaccine works why is all White House staff exempt from this DICTORIAL mandate?

    If Vaccine works why is all Congress and staff exempt from this DICTORIAL mandate?

    If Vaccine works why is the Vaccinated being required to wear mask.

    According to your Queen Harris, the mask are to protect the vaccinated!!

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