Quote Originally Posted by Trasael Adnepos View Post
Look, Blues, I'm not trying to peck a foight w' ya, and can see you still maintain the courage of your convictions. The reason I surmised you have changed, is I never knew you to whine or engage in self-pity in the past, and I actually could be mistaken that you have sunk into the slough of despond and lost hope in some measure. By all means, get your message out, and I'm sure we'll still share a lot of common ground.

It also may be somehow to your credit that you wouldn't recognize (or at least acknowledge) an attempt at gentle persuasion you find disagreeable if it bit you in the butt and said hello at the same time, and I do hope I'm wrong about your becoming fragile somewhere along the line, so I'll just be more direct and leave it that.

All I would hope for from you is that you realize, (I did not say acknowledge), that a man of your caliber and communications skills exuding despair, (especially given that you profess The Faith), has real potential first to discourage some weaker in the Faith from providing much needed prayer cover in real time by yes, undermining their ability to hope and pray in faith for the best-case scenario, and second; hinder some who might otherwise recognize the hand of God and the power of praying saints in this thing and turn to saving faith, and third; I see some lurking and posting occasionally here who I believe are from younger generations than us who I perceive really have given up hope that this thing can be turned around, (thus are potential mud-balls for any number of anarchist causes to splatter against the walls), and want those to be truly capable of hope.
You must totally be looking at someone other than BluesStringer! There is something 'off' with you.
Why did you show back up here at the Tree at this time? Where have you been for so long? What is your purpose here now?