For my last semester, I qualified for a student loan. Mind you, I've been going on my husband's GI bill and due to the way my university operates - 6 weeks of intensive classes instead of 8 week per class - the VA codes me as 3/4's time. As a result, there's about $500 a semester we need to fork out. Not complaining! $500 a semester is a blessing as opposed to the full boat.

I only needed 8 hours of classes for my last semester which translates to $3200. Yet, when I heard from the student loan department, they said I was okayed to take out $12K!!!! There was no way I even wanted to be indebted to .gov for the $500 we kick out but to offer so much beyond what you would owe floored me. And f course kids aren't thinking about this at the time. I'm sure their just thinking, "$12K. Cool! Extra spending money!"