In the OT, ancient Aryan Israel was more than God's chosen people, she was God's WIFE [marriage ceremony at Mt Sinai.]

But ancient Aryan Israel had a civil war and split into two [north and south] kingdoms. The northern kingdom of Israel [the majority of the 12 tribes of Aryan Israel] sinfully rebelled against God, God divorced her and used Assyria to destroy the northern kingdom and remove the majority of Israelites from the holy land in the 8th century BC and they became "gentiles" [ie, nations.] The smaller southern kingdom whose capital was Jerusalem also sinfully rebelled against God. God punished her with 70 years of Babylonian oppression/captivity... but God did not divorce her because God was destined to incarnate into the Southern Aryan Israel tribe of Judah.

In the 2nd century BC, Aryan Israel's OT enemy, Edom, lost a war against the last Aryan Israel Kingdom. Then Israel's prince/high priest [he was both] did something very evil and very stupid... he allowed Israel's enemy, Edom, to live in Judea if they "converted"... and all Edomites feigned "conversion" enmasse which enabled them to usurp, pervert and destroy the last Kingdom of Israel. In 37BC, Edomite-jew Herod allied with Rome to conquer Jerusalem and Rome made Edomite-jew Herod king of Judea. Edomite-jew Herod proceeded to murder all the remaining royal heirs of Aryan Israel, totally tore down the second temple to rebuild his own third temple and tried to murder God incarnate, Jesus Christ, when Herod ordered the murder of the babes of Bethlehem!

In the NT, Jesus says He was sent ONLY to the lost sheep of Israel. Jesus said He knows His sheep and they follow Him. Jesus told the unbelieving Edomite-fake-jews they were NOT HIS SHEEP [they were not Israelites, they were Edomites!]

Jesus Christ's sacrifice paid the 'bride price' for Aryan Israel. His death and resurrection broke the old marriage covenant and created a new covenant in which ALL 12 tribes of Aryan Israel [who had been united under King David] would again be united under the 'Son of David', King of kings, Jesus Christ!

As for the evil antichrist Edomite-jew pretenders who now occupy, pervert and destroy God's ancient holy land... Jesus' parable in Luke 19 repeats OT prophecies about Edom's fate. At the end of the age they will be gathered back to the place where they rejected Jesus Christ when they yelled, "Crucify Him"! "His blood be upon us and our children!"... and they will be duly executed!!