Thank you to all who have been praying for us! God is so incredibly good and faithful!

The driver who hit us was drunk, and did not bother to even try to brake. We couldn't back-up (a vehicle behind us) and Sam couldn't drive forward into the traffic flow. Definitely felt like we were in a movie as we watched the headlights get closer. Had the point of impact to our Suburban been to the right or the left, the outcome would have been very different.

Sam has 3 broken metacarpals in his left hand, and a lumbar transverse process fracture (broken vertebrae). He sees an orthopedic surgeon on Monday to determine if they will operate on any of that. He has some pretty bruising, and is very sore all over, especially on the left where the impact pushed the truck frame into his ribs.

Mom suffered 3 broken ribs, and a lacerated spleen, although that seems to NOT be bleeding. She was moved from ICU to acute care and will be coming home tomorrow.

My ribs are bruised, and some pretty bruises coming in all over my left side ... one that stretches almost the entire length of my left thigh (very sore and swollen).

The hand of the Lord was on us, as we were most definitely protected from what could have been a very tragic accident. Psalm 106:1 // Praise the LORD! Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; for His loving-kindness is everlasting.