It's not an entirely fair point of view.

There is some seriously good music coming out right now. Adele has a great and powerful voice that takes you back to the time of Nina Simone. The band "Of Monsters and Men" has some great songs too. And that's just to name two modern groups.

The problem is with the canned and commercialized American music. It's all gone downhill. Miley Cyrus, from what little I know, NEVER had any talent and never even put in any work to develop basic skills. What you saw there was all she's got. And it's been done to death. She's not going to get any mileage out of it.

If you step outside of mainstream music then you'll find that the art isn't dead. Heck, just the American folk music scene could be explored from now to the end of your life and you wouldn't run out of exciting singers. Even the "old ones" are constantly emerging again. Heck, look at Bobby Bridger and Bob Livingston.

And if all that fails ... just switch the station over to a classic rock channel.