China has been preparing for this, and knows that the West is on the very precipice of destruction.

All one has to do is look at what Jim Willie said a couple weeks ago... Deutsche Bank is on suicide watch. If it goes, the ECB and Eurozone fall like dominos.

And SINCE Sep of last year, China has created new partnerships, with the Brics and Australia, so that as of this moment, 3 billion people (3/7 of the globe), transact in Yuan.

China wants a gold backed currency, with gold backed trade notes (agreements)... they have a stockpile much greater than what has been reported, and access to both oil and minerals.

They could care less about the over 1 trillion they hold in Treasuries... if they get to control a gold backed currency, they not only destroy the West, but will multiply that 10-fold when gold goes to 10-50K per ounce to back the next reserve.