Buyer beware? SELLER beware too.

Around here you see the free market peeking out from under the rubble of the government controlled economy in various ways. A lot of "illegal" food trucks parked on the road around payday as someone tries to make a little money, or the fishermen sell their catch on the side of the road in front of their houses.

I never go to one of those food stands the first time I see it. I want it to know it's been in place for awhile and plenty of other people are eating there too. Why? Because if they were selling bad food nobody would stand for it. The answer to getting food poisoning or finding out you've been eating dog meat wouldn't be, "I'm going to report you to the government" but instead it would be losing some teeth when the angry public catches up to you.

More often than not the government protects bad businesses from the people they've screwed over. I don't know exactly what a free market looks like since they haven't existed in the United States since before I was born. But I have seen glimpses of what markets look like outside of government control and I tend to prefer those.